Apr 29, 2004 21:33
Wow...Today was like..Wayyy tooo long...I swear it was Friday, but i hope tomorrow isn't as bad as today was. Today wasn't that bad, just long...and exhausting. And i didn't really do anything!! Maybe it's because i'm not sleeping at night. hmmmmmm....
I got outta school at 2:50 had to beg mom to come get me, so she came around 3:15, so i sat there listening to Blink182,and YellowCard till she got there. THEN i decided to go see where she works and i sat there talking with Kay, a good friend of my mom's and i grew up with her daughter, we use to be like SUCH best friends, and then yea, i'm like a year older, so we kinda had to go our seperate ways...she's gotten so pretty! But anyways we left there at about 4:30 came home and i got into a shirt, cause i wore a hoodie today with jeans, which i was very comfterble today, except sittin there waiting on my mom, i kinda got hot, but i actually tooka picture today with Lacey Amber Melissa, And Me, there in my asl class, and there like my "lil' click" in the class or is it clique? Whatever..anyways..Then we went to my grandparents and picked them up took them to Joyce and Less's House, i dont know how you spell there names, and i dont know who is who i just ate dinner there and dropped off my grandpa so he could goto some retreat thing this weekend, so Gram's and her dog, Peanut. He' came out of the last litter of Ginger and Rusty's pups. He's cute, but way fisty,hehe. I don't think he'll get any taller" but maybe fatter if they keep feeding em' like he's human, which i shouldn't fuss, i do it too,hehe.
Anywho..This morning Tamica and me went to Lee College to drop off our "Thank You" note to the scholorship/financial office. OmGosh we were freaking out....WE go from being Fishy's to working our way up to be the "Big Senior" and here we are...Graduating...and going to start over again..To be fish again...sooo scary!! lol..I start in the fall..as far as i know, anyway....*looks at watch*
That's really scary!! lol but its also sad, happy,good,bad,etc..etc....Anyways..I'm really tired and am behind on Gov't homework..so yea..Peace out My Pea's!!
~_Melissa Leigh_~
"Call me out you stayed inside one you love is where you hide. Shot me down as i flew by, crash and burn. I think sometimes you forget where the heart is. Answer no to these questions, let him go,learn a lesson, it's not me, your not listenin, now can't you see, somethings missin'. You forget where the heart is. Take you away from that empty room you stay, and forget where the heart is someday, if ever you loved me you'd say It's okay..
-Wakin up from this nightmare, how's your life what's it like there, is it all what you wanted it to be, does it hurt when you think about me? And how broken my heart is. It's okay to be angry, and never let go. It only gets harder the more that you know..If you ever get lonely if no ones around, you know i'll catch you if your fallin down. We came together, but you left alone, and i know how it feels to walk out on your own. Maybe someday ill see you again, and youll look me in the eyes and call me your friend...It's okay..It's okay!!!"