Let the games begin....all over again

Aug 15, 2004 12:27

hey.. havnt updated in forever...ever so things are alright nothing special is going on... hmmm i agree with marni i officaly have seen the bad side of being single.. lol oh well i dont have much of a choice cause no body likes me hehe :( anyyway so latly nothings really been going on.... execpt i went to nyc with marni we had sucha good time ahhhh i love u so much  cuzins and best friends ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT i acutaly have been becoming pretty good freinds with her boyfriend jared. i am so unebelviebly happy for her hes a good guy and she deserves it! there goal.. hook me up with one haha.  .. no i'm still looking for the good side of everything right now.. my mommie thinks im secretly miserable.. well gee thanks ma! i dont think thats true. i am just really blah right now.. OH wEll...thats life and life goes on. so last night.... or yesterday  i went to evans as usual.. they sat played cards and made fun of me ..as usual. then i went to dinner and a movie with my mom. and then eric timmy and brad got me and we went to brads house i met his mommy .. she likes me i know it haha. :) and then we recorded songs on  brads studio recrodin thing it was alright i kept talking and i got ditry looks.. but eric talked to and timmy was sorta in a daze so its all good. hmm then timmy left so c a late movie wiht his sister and his sisters friend... and brad drove me home cuz eric isnt aloud 2... but eric was in the car he just didnt drive which i  think isnt breakin the rules cuz my parents knew we were togther but that he wasnt driving so its all good. anyway i shotguned that one and we went to dairy queen on the way home.. cuz eric works at little cearers and he wanted free food so brad and i got Dq and acted like retards as usual..  that kid is honestly one of my favorite ppl we have lots of fun together haha... his grlfriend duznt like me very much ha. oh well his new styles HOTTTTTTTT haha hope u read that i know u secretly read my live journal dunt even lie brad. then  i came home and talked to ppl.. then eric called.. then he fell asleep basicly on the phone so i let him go. thennnnnn i was online talkin to jared and marni till like 3 then i fell asleep and now its 12:35 and i am awake. today i am going to my bubbies for her birthday  i dont even think she knows its her birhtday,, ehh its really sad. and eric wont even b there cuz he had to go away to get surgary good luck cuz love ya major! then i am going to come home most likely end up back at evans... shock. and then ither seein brad and eric again or seeing BURKOW miss that grl like crAzYEe... .:)

k i'm done.


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