
Apr 05, 2012 16:45

What is this shit I don't even

...Seriously. This supposedly started out with parents-to-be tweeting sweet sappy things like "I'll always protect you", and now there's this flood of... utter asshattery.


Tons of tweets saying "if you're gay I'll kill you" "better be a miscarriage" "I'll burn you alive". Special lack of love goes to 'Tucker Briley' with "#ToMyUnbornChild if your a girl i will drown you in the bathtub, and if your a guy and your turn into a faggot ill kill you" and '_Lastaciaa' (who seems to have deleted her(?) account, I WONDER WHY) who tweeted "#ToMyUnbornChild I will kill you if you Turn Gay , (I support the gays but I will never be one , neither nor my unborn baby)". My. Such wonderful, unconditional support you're showing there.

At this point in an angry rant it's kind of traditional to say you wish these people get what they dread: gay children. But I don't wish that. I wish no children on these bigoted filth. The poor kids don't deserve that.

I'm also sure that a whole heap of these pathetic facsimiles of human beings are now sputtering that oh, no, they didn't actually mean that, it was a joke, all in fun, can't you take a little humour? Well, no. Not this sort of 'humour'. Important note here, guys; if you would get in trouble for doing something, it's not a good subject for a joke. If someone would be hurt, it's not a good subject for a joke. If someone - anyone - who heard you and thought you were serious would be frightened, it's not a good subject for a fucking JOKE.

You shouldn't make jokes about stealing in front of security guards. You shouldn't make jokes about having a bomb in your underwear on a plane. You shouldn't make jokes about murdering your own children for being different AT ALL.

And as for those who are/were serious, just... look, just give up any children you have already for adoption and then go get sterilised, okay?

#to my not-yet-conceived child:
If you're gay, I will fear for your safety and sanity in this fucked-up world, but I will always love you. Please be safe and happy.

angry mel is angry, state of the mel

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