In other news, I love my mother.

Jun 19, 2011 15:30

Yesterday, as Da Handsome Hubby and I were in Big Nearby City organising things to do with Stressful Thing That Has Been Going On For Months That I Can't Rant About Here Since It Is Not My Story To Tell, Mum rang me to say hi. Being Mum and perceptive about me and all that, she could tell I was not a happy little Vegemite at the time. She asked why. I told her.

...She's loaning me the money to get the tax office off my back. All of it. All eleven and a half thousand dollars. I didn't ask. She heard the words "tax office being bastards", asked how much it was, and offered it to me.

I need to pay her interest, because she's taking it out of her investment account, but hey! Totally fine with that! It's about HALF the interest the tax office is charging me right now, and for added yay she's not threatening me with bankruptcy proceedings or demanding it all back every six months.

...holy CRAP people you cannot imagine how relieved I am right now. My mother is awesome sometimes.

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