May 24, 2009 15:39
Issue with housemate semi-resolved... I have done no talking, but apparently while out at the movies there was talking and discussion and the what not. I did hear what I thought I'd heard which is the total opposite of my friend and I don't know what my friend did to offend him or show disrespect to him as he won't tell us what it was. Though apparently something else also got mentioned about some of the people that were at my party late not helping clean up but honestly, the way I have grown up if you are having a party, you clean up before the party, you have the party, and you clean up after the party. While help is always appreciated it's never to be expected of your guests. That's just a proper hostess sort of thing in which my mother practiced, and she quite literally is a good hostess. Too bad she could have never made as much money hosting parties and functions as she did being a teacher.
Though I am still a little irked becuase apparently Logan fought to get him to allow me to invite my friend over, but ya know I've been online ranting, my friends read my LJ and stuff and I feel like it'd be awefully awkward for me to ask the person over now becuase if it were me my only conclusion would be that I was the one that was told couldn't come over, and it would make me feel very awkward.