[Just a test, I wonder if I get 19 comments for my 19th birthday. That'd be cool. Then again, I never get more than 2 at the max. Haha...but it would be cooooool ;) ]
THank you vurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much Lucille for everrrrrrrrrrything!!! This bday surprise was sure a grrrrrreat one!!!
It was supposed to me a "date" with just me Michelle and Lucille, but those crazy kiddos planned a great day for me with special people I really care about :)
[Also, Special thanks to David, Mark, Jordana, Dick, Juan, and Christian :)]
We had lunch at Mustard Seed. It was my first time cutting the cake for everyone :). I did it right on too! yah! Afterwards, we played minigolf, and did not keep score for my first time! No competition, just made of the losers!! hahah....And then, after loitering in the mall and playing a lil game of Hide and Seek with Christian, and we had our lil round of bowling :) It was a great "berfday"!
Lucille got me these super awesome shoes and something I've been wanting
Michelle got me a "dinosaur" (it was actually a dragon, but she thought it was a dinosaur with wings)
Christian & Dick got me earings, a wrist band, and a super long pickle, and Christian got me 2 lucKeeeeeeeeee pennies :)
Juan treated out for bowling
David made me a super cool wallet made out of duct tape.
Thanks guys....:)
David, we've been friends since the 5th grade. I'm so happy that you are still a part of my life and able to spend another birthday with me :). It was definitly great seeing you again buddy.
Lucille, what can I say? A lil too much, yet you leave me speechless. I love you so much :) You're the bestestest everrrrr!!!
Michelle, you are the greatest friend I have found in Eastern Washington. You have no idea how happy you've made me here :). You're the craziest girl ever, but you always make me laugh. Thanks so much for everything!
Christian, aka "the boy next door"...funny how when I first saw you, i dropped my jaw because I thought your mohawak was the awesomest thing in the world. Now that I finally got to know you, I found that you are just one of the most awesomest guys I know :) Thanks for being great!
Juan, you're just the perfect sweetheart! Random text messages from you make my day and you always keep me in great company :) Thanks for being just super nice!
Dick, or the grinch or Beavis...there's not a moment when we converse when you don't make me laugh. Even when we first met, I think the first thing I did was laugh. Thanks for always making me laugh you dick ;).
Juan.Luc.Mel aka "ONE LOOSE MELON"- bowling alley is OUR place haha
Christian.Mel.Dick aka THE LuCKeeeeeeeeee Group....yeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! (the bowling group that KICKED ASS)
Golf group buds
The fellas and I
Big Smiles for a grrrrrrrreat "berfday" :)