
Sep 11, 2008 00:42

This afternoon me and my friends from MP and ijun's wive planned to "buka bersama" in PS,, and thankfully my mom let me borrowed her car, so i drove it to pick up my sweet crazy friend  deazaskia

, and headed to PS!! but because of the crowded in freeway (tol pun macet bo!), me and dea finally broke our fast in a car...
Thank god, we already bought those "teh kotak" and some chips while we were in gas station..

After we arrived in PS, we went to musholla and met haiqa  and uni,right after we finished we went to food court and met the others Ria,uchi and ira..and finally...our transaction is started!! huahahaha...... that's the important one, oh yeah..finally i got tokyo tower making !!! (ijun, ijun,,ijun... xD ) from mba fiy...

(makasih yah mba..), i've been searching for this, but i have to be careful when i watch it, just like when i watched the movie.. (*o*) suru...suru

And after that, we just gossiping and talking and laughing , just because there's tantan who light up the conversation ( cela mencela tepatnya, but there's no hardfeeling, coz we'd just make fun of everythings and laughing, and enjoy it..), everytime he told us about everythings from our idol (JE), drama, tamaki hiroshi until his own family is only made me wanna laugh, laugh , and laugh..until we remember that we have to go home, i promise to dea that we will back home at least at 9pm, but i realized that in my clock is already at 9.45 pm !! time to go home!! before my parents calling me..

But it was fun, really.. Isn't dea?? hehe
I remember when the first time i met them , the only one i knew is only haiqa   and hikkie_chan

..and bit scared that i don't know everybody else...
But by the time you met them, and talking and gossiping our idol..you don't feel strange anymore..it feels like we like the same world (JE, dorama, jmusic etc..), so ....now i feel grateful that i met them, it's so much fun that i ever thought !! now im waiting for my others 2 friends..

(Willya !! erin!! pokoknya elo bedua mesti ke jakarta!  *z* )

OKey udah dulu curhatan di tengah malem ini, capeee...mau bobo, mimpi ijun...*halah??!!

oyasumi... @z@


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