Sep 21, 2005 15:25
How to be a good boyfriend. lol thank mrs searcy for this one.
1) Take time to talk to your girlfriend. Not just about frivoulous things but the important things and what they think and feel.
2) Don't constantly talk about your ex. we don't want to be compared to the previous girlfriends. We are our own person and think diffrently.
3) Tell your girlfriend she is beautiful and looks great even when she is in her sweatpants and having the worst day ever. But be sincere we know when your lying.
4) When you do take the time to talk to and listen to their problems don't make theirs seem unimportant and just tell them all of your problems. We can't be the ones to uplift you all the time. We have our moments.
5) When planning a date make sure you pick some of her favorite places not just yours. And don't leave it solely up to the girl to make the plans.
6) Being spontaneous is a must! We love the little suprises. Like flowers taht just say I love you in them or have a good day, or I sent you thos many roses because thats how many times I thought about you. But thats only a portion of them because there isnt enough flowers in the world for everytime I think about you.
7) You must at least acknowledge a anniversery or birthday even if its just saying it. Flowers and chocolate is always nice and a girls best friend.
8) Video games are allowed to be played just not constantly to where it takes over your like and time. Don't be obssessive about it.
9) We like it when you get jealous but not to jealous. We like to know you care if someone flirts with us, but at the same time they don't want you to get jealous at a bestfriend that is a guy.