Feb 05, 2004 16:11
melinda is the #223 most common female name.
0.094% of females in the US are named melinda.
Around 119850 US females are named melinda!
Today was eh. We had to do all this running in softball. Lots of conditioning.I really want to switch my lunch for some reasons.
I love grease.
Victorville. :D. Until next time.
HAHA when we were walking home today, I spit.. Yeah it was really windy and ryan was in front of me but I had spit to the side. The wind carried the spit and it was on Ryan's sweater. When I noticed it I started laughing ultra hard. Hahah.
Lunch started out boring but improved when Matt told me to go over there with him, fro and their people. So me and alex were with them till the bell rang, then we split.
This week went by ultra fast. However it is a good thing. Justin is sick and I hope he gets better soon. IT'S SO WINDY.. GEEEEZE.
yeah. I took pictures of my neighbor's kids stealing cats. I'll post them in a bit. As for now, :).