Random banners and headers #1

Feb 06, 2008 22:48

Once again, long time no see. I wasn't dead, I was just too lazy to post all these banners and headers. XD; (Expect a rather large icon post in the near future as well. ^^) And considering it took me almost two hours to post this... I guess the laziness can be forgiven lol.
Anyway, as for credits, most of the Dir en grey pics are from Ankkarock 2007, taken by either me or a fellow Finn called Noora.
And because I don't like text, I offer most of the banners and headers also textless so that you can either add your own text to them or ask me to do it for you. ^^
Until next time~

Die banners ~ 9
Shinya banners ~ 4
Die and Shinya banners ~ 7
Kyo and Toshiya banners ~ 2
Dir en grey banners ~ 1
Kyo, Kaoru and Toshiya banners ~ 2
Gackt and Mana banners ~ 5
Mana banners ~ 5
Gackt banners ~ 2
Klaha banners ~ 4
Tarja Turunen banners ~ 1
Random banners ~ 1
Die and Shinya headers ~ 13
Kyo and Toshiya headers ~ 3
Kyo, Kaoru and Toshiya headers ~ 6
Kaoru and Toshiya headers ~ 2
Die headers ~ 2
Karyu headers ~ 2
Mana headers ~ 21
Gackt and Mana headers ~ 2





Die and Shinya

Kyo and Toshiya

Dir en grey

Gackt and Mana




Tarja Turunen



Die and Shinya

Kyo and Toshiya

Kyo, Kaoru and Toshiya

Kaoru and Toshiya




Gackt and Mana

pairings, klaha, gackt, mana, d'espairsray, banners, headers, dir en grey

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