Once again, long time no see. I wasn't dead, I was just too lazy to post all these banners and headers. XD; (Expect a rather large icon post in the near future as well. ^^) And considering it took me almost two hours to post this... I guess the laziness can be forgiven lol. Anyway, as for credits, most of the Dir en grey pics are from Ankkarock 2007, taken by either me or a fellow Finn called Noora. And because I don't like text, I offer most of the banners and headers also textless so that you can either add your own text to them or ask me to do it for you. ^^ Until next time~
Die banners ~ 9 Shinya banners ~ 4 Die and Shinya banners ~ 7 Kyo and Toshiya banners ~ 2 Dir en grey banners ~ 1 Kyo, Kaoru and Toshiya banners ~ 2 Gackt and Mana banners ~ 5 Mana banners ~ 5 Gackt banners ~ 2 Klaha banners ~ 4 Tarja Turunen banners ~ 1 Random banners ~ 1 Die and Shinya headers ~ 13 Kyo and Toshiya headers ~ 3 Kyo, Kaoru and Toshiya headers ~ 6 Kaoru and Toshiya headers ~ 2 Die headers ~ 2 Karyu headers ~ 2 Mana headers ~ 21 Gackt and Mana headers ~ 2