LOL, I got tagged the same meme for two different characters ftw <3

Mar 21, 2009 18:04

I was tagegd by Avegaille and Medea and they each tagged me different characters so... I'll answer the questions for both Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto) and Gen/Riley (Pokemon). Funny, Shinji and Hikari come way before Gen on my list. Is it because I'm good at spazzing about Gen? *ponders*

1. Do you like this character?
Kiba is my true bishie love. I have a demented crush on him or something but who cares? XDDD As for Gen, he's awesome. Sexy dress sense. Cute personality. Ship him with my favourite pokemon character Shinji. <333

2. What name/s do you call this character?
Oh we all know that Kiba's my sugar-muffin... *runs* Nah, I just call Kiba 'Kiba' and Gen 'Gen'. Though sometimes I go whiney fangirl mode and be all, "KIBA-KUUUUN, GEN-KUN <33333"

3. What image/color do you associate with this character?
Kiba = Red. His sexy fang tattoos give me enough reason.
Gen = Dark blue. I like it. <3

4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
I refuse to plonk some blatant animal song reference for Kiba... so... 'Get This Party Started' (I think it's the title) by Bob Sinclair. Amusing song.
As for Gen, idk... :O :O :O I don't really assosciate Gen and music often. Something weird and classical? Idk? XD; Sorry Gen, I still love you <33333

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
*shrugs* All I can say is that they're a good blood type? *fail*

6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
Kiba and Shikamaru. <3 It's like my Naruto yaoi. Kiba x Ino is nice too, but KibaShika is more fun. Kiba wanting wild romps while Shika's like, "No... troublesome" but we all know he likes it. XD
Gen and Shinji. Does this even need to be asked? We all know who I plonk Gen with. ;D

7. What would you want to say to this character?
To Kiba... "...So... wanna romp?" *shot*
To Gen... "Have you ever considered meeting this trainer named Shinji? I hear he's really swell. 8D 8D 8D"

8. What do you want to do with this character?
um for Kiba, it's not do with the character, it's do the character. *runs* XDDDD
I'd go to the carnival with Gen and drag Shinji along and be like, "...:O :O :O I'll just be going now, hey, why don't you two go on the ferris wheel?"

9. Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.
Tadashi: Satoshi
Mr. Kirby: Jun
S-Unit: Shuu
Isla: Train
Erin: um choosing Shika would be unoriginal cuz it's you so... Kakeru. <3

If anyone else wants to be tagged, just comment you want to be tagged and I'll give you a character! 8D

meme, gen, bishieshipping, characters, bishies, kiba

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