crazy is as crazy does

Sep 26, 2010 16:36

The HoC Supernatural Season 6 Premiere on the Big Screen:
last night was the big event and really, i think we pulled off a pretty spiffy lil shindig, even if i say so myself.

we showed the S5 finale, which got everyone well and truly in the mood, before some totally minor technical difficulties (cue us HoC folks panicking, but only on the inside, and me rocking out some totally epic dance moves (the roger rabbit if you must know) in order to keep the natives occupied ;) ) prior to the unveiling of the new season. i'll come back to y'all with actual episode thgts, but i thgt some of you might like to see some pix of what went down event-wise in the meantime, so here goes (now with added pix of the cinema set-up itself):

this is the ticket we sent out to attendees:

we had ourselves a countdown in the HoC kitchen:

the front (the boys) and back of the tag we made for peeps:

"gripped you tight and raised you from perdition" cookies - all SPN cookies made by K, HoC Cookie Queen, and part of the SPN Goodie Bag:

skull, bat, witch cookies:

the piece' de resistance - Castiel, Angel of the Lord Cookies (final version Cas had a totally awesome tie as well):

the movie snack boxes we pulled together:

a big ol bowl of demon blood:

SPN Goodie Bags - holy water bubbles, vamp teeth, demon blood, candles for exorcism rituals, SPN S6 Premiere tag, emergency suppy of rock salt:

Studio 12:

Sam & Dean on the Big Screen:

Expectant SPN-fans:

spn s6, melpix, spn s6 premiere shindig

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