Merry Chrismukkah!

Dec 22, 2014 16:39

Merry Chrismukkah to all my flist! Drop by here and have a festive virtual mince pie and glass of mulled wine. Say Hi to other flisters and tell us all what you are up to...

Mrmel, mastermel, missmel and myself will be joined by brothermel and have quite a quiet time after mrmel has finished his last work duty at approximately 12 noon on Christmas Day. The last few days have been manic as usual. Every year I promise myself I'll be more organised but it never seems to happen. Plus two of the family are sick and therefore no help :(.

I have watched the first episode of Gotham and quite enjoyed it , though it's not really my choice of genre and I haven't been enthused enough to watch any more. And BMc is looking his age, and, dare I say it, rather boring?

It seems an age since Cheeks, Em and Silver met earlier in the summer and haven't seen El at all I don't think.

I'm working officially 3 days a week, but end up doing more like 4 or 5, but I love where I'm working, and my colleagues are such fun. The kids are needier than in my previous school, but that suits me, as I feel I can make a difference.

I miss the flist, but seriously wonder where I found all the time to chat. post and write!

Anyway, Seasons Greetings to all. Stop a while and chat...


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