My Day

Jan 09, 2007 21:50

I have actually enjoyed work today for the first time for a month!! Work can be so boring and drag when you have little to do.(you can only make so many cups of coffee).
I have been really busy working a 9 hour day, maybe a little stressed but challenged, stimulated and satisfied.I have a lot more busy days to look forward too. Strange really.A good day at the office.

At the end of the day I enjoyed a couple of pints of 'Old Speckled Hen' and an excellent meal at the attitude adjustment shop (local pub) with the boiler (missus).

The weather has been Crap this weekend so I have had a bit of a film Fest.
Films watched this weekend : King Kong - long, but good action, a cute leading lady & surprisingly I felt quite emotional about 'a big ape'. 4 out of 5.
40 Year old Virgin : A simple comedy that 'says what it is on the tin', a lot better than it sounds, enjoyed it. 4 out of 5.
Man about dog : A dvd I bought in Limerick before Christmas for about £4 - A Snatch style movie about three irish lads who leave their quaint town with a debt of £50k to a bookie,only to embark on a journey of debauchery courtesy of drink, greyhounds & girls.ok, watchable. 3 out of 5
Joyeux Noel : A Scottish,French & German film about a localized Christmas ceasefire during the first world war in the trenches.Subtitled.FANTASTIC. 5 out of 5.
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