Title: Poor Baby
Fandom: Star Trek: AOS
Rating: Drinking! Otherwise cool for kids.
Excerpt: People of all kinds - human, Andorian, T'mnun, Vulcan, well, not Vulcan - were always smiling at Pavel like he was a child or someone who needed a hand to hold so as to do the most basic of things.
People of all kinds - human, Andorian, T'mnun, Vulcan, well, not Vulcan - were always smiling at Pavel like he was a child or someone who needed a hand to hold so as to do the most basic of things. It was as if the word prodigy meant nothing to them.
He spoke of this once to Hikaru in a time of weakness in a crowded bar at Broshik space port and soon found cause to curse his trusting nature yet again, for Hikaru clapped him on the shoulder and said in tones of greatest sympathy, "Don't let it bring you down, kid."
For a time Pavel could not even speak, the betrayal was so great. "You are only four years senior!" he said at last, but Hikaru only grinned and reached out to ruffle Pavel's hair. His hand was very warm, his touch gentle, but all the same Pavel did not appreciate the sentiment.
Hikaru withdrew his hand, still grinning. "Are you going to finish your vunyad now or are you planning to sulk for another hour or two first?"
"I am not sulking," Pavel said. He stared down the long slope of the glass at the drink, which was electric green and tasted like it. He said, "Prefer vodka."
"Treasure the cliché," said Hikaru.
Pavel screwed up his mouth, then downed the rest of the drink, which spiked in new and unfamiliar ways all along his throat. His tongue tasted sour. This was not why he had joined Starfleet, to be patronized by those he thought friends and to drink dissatisfying liquor. Pavel said, "My hatred for you is like..." He could not think of anything strong enough.
Hikaru grinned at him again over his own glass of vunyad. His second glass. Pavel hated him so much.
Hikaru said, "You don't hate me. You love me. Like a brother. An awesome older brother who's always looking out for you."
"You are a terrible brother," Pavel told him. "Also I do not love you."
"I am a kickass brother," Hikaru said, "and you should, because I'm going to order you another drink. Your choice," he added, so perhaps Hikaru was not so bad after all.
"Memlu," you say, "why do you feel the need to write such short, silly things?" This is a mystery you are just going to have to learn to live with.
(I need a Sulu & Chekov icon right nooooow, you guys.)