Title: Lying Tongues
Fandom: Thor (2011)
Characters: Sif/Loki, Thor.
Warning: Sex.
Summary: As Loki knows it, the art of lying is simple enough: never tell a lie too big to maintain, sprinkle in bits of the truth where needed, and don't ever lie to yourself.
Pre-film. 11,000~ words.
lying tongues. )
I love your world building so much! LOKI SLICKING BACK HIS CURLS. Asgardian hair products can't handle the heat of the jungle though!
The hunt! The banter and familiarity and annoyance at each other. You can tell these people have worked with each other often and that they're old friends, comrades. Loki annoyance at the hunt and Thor's attitude and the Warriors Three great. BUT OF COURSE I'M HERE FOR THE WONDERFUL DYNAMIC YOU BUILD BETWEEN LOKI AND SIF. I wondered a bit at the beginning if they were together or not, there were hints in how they were interacting with each other's space.
"You've worn your hair back," she said lowly.
"As have you," said Loki. "We should hurry, lest we be forgot."
I like how this how they flirt! And they were both late because (in my mind) all the sexy they were doing the night before and slept in. Like this line gave me feelings: Sleep rumpled her eyes. Loki turned a yawn into a muted sigh and flicked his gaze away.
But then the cells and the tension and healing! I completely agree that Loki has some abilities in healing magic, because it makes sense he would learn them as he's always going into battle with the others but I also feel he doesn't advertise it and there were just a lot of emotions going around as he puts his fingers to her ribs and heals her. ALL THE FEELINGS.
THE RIBBON! I love how it starts and ends with the ribbon and the ribbon tying up his hands while they have post hunt/incarceration sex and ugh Loki!!!!!! I get emotions. are. hard. but just tell her you loooooove her!
She kissed him as if, as if she--
EMOTIONS. How he can't even really let himself think that Sif feels the same way towards him. all my creys.
lol @ this garbage.
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