Finally saw "Cloverfield"

Apr 29, 2008 15:52

And if you try to pull the same thing with me, I will knock you out as well. That's a promise.

There's a fine line between being brave and being stupid. Those people in the movie where living idiots.

Best friend or not, the moment Rob told me to shut up so he could make a phonecall to Beth in the middle of the electronic story, I would have left him. Moron.

To say the least, I didn't like the film. Sure, there was a nice use of the camera work and a great looking monster. However, I couldn't give a damn about any of the characters. And I am character driven sort of gal. Which is why I hated "No Country for Old Men" and couldn't get past the 20 minute mark of "There will be Blood". Two movies that people were raving about. I couldn't get past the characters. So dull. So paper thin. Only there to be a symbol and not a person. Yes, you can have a person who is symbolic but he/she better be fleshed out for me pay attention. In all of my favorite books; Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451, all of the characters were symbolic aspects of society but they were fully formed beings as well.


I haven't watched a movie that's wow me since...God, I don't know when. The Prestige is the only one that pops in my head. That was a clever movie.

And now one of the worst fights in the history of Superfriends

image Click to view

From poster: "This time around we get a lounging mumbling Brainiac, Solomon Grundy picking up Superman and running around with him, Superman forgetting he can fly... twice, a useless Green Lantern, Wonder Woman beating Sinestro in a way that makes no sense, The Flash being a dick, and the best Legion of Doon escape ever."

It's hilarious.


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