Barkha Dutta responded to the various critics (I wrote this as a comment to that post, but it grew big enough for me to put it here)
Essence of what Barkha says - "Because there were no rules in place, we could not have broken any".
Proves to us viewers that you have no conscience or intellect that tells you what is right and what is wrong.
Its this lack of maturity & leadership, that you continue to show that people are pissed off with. Media coverage definitely cost people's lives as mentioned by Mr. Pollack
here (
and a lot of other sources that you can read up about. Instead of being a DUMB conveyor of information, you had the responsibility to ensure that you did not cause harm. Sadly, none of the media channels, including yours did anything to justify that responsibility.
While we appreciate, your questioning the government and asking for action, especially at a time when the government needs to take action that will show it in good light in the upcoming elections.
The 60 hours of "hollywood action movie" like coverage has helped seed so much rage, fear and anger that people are willing to go to war with another nuclear state, without any proper analysis of the event or the outcome. And the coverage continues ...
Your incessant coverage did actually get to me & in a fit of anger I had
posted about retaliation as well. But I am lucky to have good thoughtful friends who quickly got me back to senses. I wish folks in media had similar friends.
If there is a war, as per me - YOU, the media would be largely responsible for it.
I am not saying that the loss in Mumbai is small by any means, but the losses in North East & losses to Naxalism are much bigger issues that have eaten into this country for more than a decade now.
But you only care about TRPs which is why Naxalism & north east are 1 hour special reports at a non-peak hour once a quarter.