multi-fandom; rainbow balloons

Jun 16, 2012 22:25

All titles are song titles, the cuts are lyrics from a certain Ai Otsuka song. These drabbles were written on the spur of the moment as I was trying to revive my muse. I feel like I'm losing my touch a little. Ack.

1) ChangSoo
Umbrella Beach
wordcount; 247

Summer starts slowly, when the sun peers over the edges of the window and the sky seems bluer. Clouds paint more pictures in the sky and birds sing longer songs. Sooyoung is sixteen and utterly alone this time (because Miyoung is visiting her relatives in America and Yoona has to babysit). The summer used to be attractive until it actually happened.

There are some things which are only attractive if you aren’t alone, and walking along the beach is one of those things. At least, when you are sixteen and not the main character in a melodrama. Sooyoung spends the first weekend on the beach, digging her feet deeper into the set, listening and watching the waves crash onto the shore. The seagulls are her companions and sometimes, she doesn’t feel alone. That is, until a happy couple breaks the relative calm, laughing and holding hands and being all types of lovey-dovey. Things which Choi Sooyoung does not subscribe to.


She looks up to see Shim Changmin, too tall for his own good, somebody who smiles too much and too smugly. She blinks, somewhat unnerved that it’s him, the same guy who pokes fun at her darker skin (and dang, you look like a twig in PE uniform) on the beach with her. “Hi.”

He smiles again, “Do you mind if I sit?”

“Not really.”

This becomes a routine, he holds her hand one day, and hell, Choi Sooyoung totally subscribes to ‘all types of lovey-dovey’.

2) HeeSul
wordcount: 216

Jinri is in her final year of middle school when she meets Kim Heechul. Apparently, her grades just aren’t good enough - despite being above average - to get her into the best high school in her region. “I don’t want to go to a hagwon,” she tells her parents over dinner, feeling the temperature in the room drop several degrees. Sunyoung goes to one and the homework from there is double what their school hands out. Jinri is fourteen, too young to be getting eyebags and stunting one’s growth.

“We’ll get you a tutor then,” she hears her father say, “if you don’t like the sound of a hagwon. We’ll have them come over and teach you here.”

“Okay,” Jinri says. Better than a hagwon, with all the potential nightmares. Bullying, bad teachers. That kind of thing.

Kim Heechul turns up on her doorstep two weeks later with textbooks and homework assignments. Jinri looks him up and down from behind her mother’s back before retreating into her bedroom. Heechul fishes her out five minutes later and gives her the most entertaining lesson on circle geometry she has ever had in her entire life. Maybe because he spends the last ten minutes drawing perfect circles free-hand for her. Circles which she fills in with smiley faces.

3) KyuHa
wordcount: 141

When she ends the call, there is heat around the base of the receiver. A mixture of her hand against the plastic, as well as the electricity which keeps it running. She hates hanging up, she always asks him to hang up first. It is the one little thing she will beg him to do, for how is she supposed to cut the channel through which she can hear his voice? She puts the receiver down, plunging her immediate surroundings into silence. There is also a feeling of emptiness, but also fullness, because she has spoken to him.

“I’m here for you,” he tells her every single time they’re connected, “I’m here. You aren’t alone.”

The distance creates heartache, but not really, because Younha knows Kyuhyun is never really that far away. Not when their hearts are connected by unbreakable strings.

4) DooNa
wordcount: 131

Her fingers always feel colder after he lets go of them.

Her entire world freezes over when he leaves.

She wonders if he thinks he’s being gentle, the way he hugs her, like he used to. So that her head in on his shoulder, and she can smell him - a mixture of laundry and fallen leaves and maybe flowers. She doesn’t dare look at him, because then she’ll remember how they used to kiss and how his eyes used to look at her and only her. He turns and leaves, doesn’t even wave goodbye. And he slips out, out of her world.

Doojoon is missing now and somehow, Gina doesn’t think waiting will do much good. You can wait out a winter, but not a relationship that is no longer.

5) KeyCole
wordcount: 266

Yongjoo takes a different train every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Mainly because she has a part-time job, but also because there is somebody she is hoping to catch sight of in the crowd.

“Why can’t you come out with us today?”

“I have a job -”

Gyuri laughs as she pulls Hara away, “Boyfriend, eh?”

Yongjoo sighs and shakes her head. I wish. She really shouldn’t feel bad about it in theory, considering how it just wasn’t meant to be. Childhood friends either stay friends or go their separate ways. Kibum had moved away when they were in their first year of middle school. After that, they didn’t walk to school together in the mornings, and they stopped racing each other down the streat in scooters or skateboards (or both). Hearing about Kibum’s educational whereabouts had been nothing short of a miracle. Fate certainly wouldn’t treat Yongjoo nicely enough to have him walk into the bookstore she works in. Of course he wouldn’t, what self-respecting (and seemingly trendy, seemingly because Yongjoo could never tell with that kid) guy with multi-coloured hair would go into a bookshop of all shops -

“Excuse me, I’m looking for a book.”

Why didn’t those trouble-making middle schoolers just stop making trouble, especially while she was pondering over the hopelessness of her romantic life, “Yes, this is a bookstore, what else would you come here for -”

And there he was. “Hi, you look familiar.”

“Yes,” she nods, “possibly.” I may or may not be the kid who you gave Valentine’s chocolates to in your first year of middle school.

solo:gna, fandom:dbskjyj, pairing:changmin/sooyoung, pairing:key/nicole, fandom:superjunior, fandom:shinee, fandom:beast, pairing:doojoon/gna, fandom:f(x), fandom:snsd, pairing:heechul/sulli, pairing:kyuhyun/younha, fandom:kara, solo:younha

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