Oct 13, 2004 15:08
ok. so the long awaited and witheld news that i feel i must let my friends and others know...
yep. if all goes as planned, i should be on my way as of the beginning of November(ya know... NEXT MONTH!) i'm hella-excited and kinda bummed at the same time because i not only feel as though i'm leaving part of myself here in So. Florida but i am also really upset about leaving all my friends behind, especially J-Dizzle! he's like my other half. i don't feel complete or i fell like something's missing when he's not around so that's gonna be really hard for me. i also feel like i'm leaving with alot of unfinished business. everyone can't get their act together so the recording thing isn't going all to steady. words bottled up and left unsaid to certain girls i've had constantly on my mind. FxB, OH GOD! FLAT BROKE! i'm gonna have a real hard time re-adjusting to this major change. i'm gonna miss this So. Fla punk scene. i've sat back and watched it grow so much. i'm gonna miss the subtle hook-ups. i'm not gonna be able to skate Miami for a LONG FUCKIN TIME. as much as i say i hate florida, i'm really gonna miss it and what i had going here. it's been real good to me. but at the same time i can't let it hold me back. as the phrase goes,"only those that risk going to far will know how far to go." so in any event, i'm going to try and get as much accomplished as i can with the little time i have left here. but be asurred that i wont leave without bidding my final farewells to those i do hold close. but who knows, maybe my band will work out for the better and you'll see me again soon enough back up in the "durty south." hahahaha...(desperate attempt to lighten the mood)
well, cheers for now. leave any thoughts/comments you wish to, good or bad.