Sep 14, 2004 15:16
it seems to me that i tend... no, always get down on myself with skating. i hate it. but it seems that this lack in confidence is unjustified. last night i went out just to skate some flat with my home dogg J.C.H.C.(Jason) and was actually skating really good. but any positivity or happiness that i usually get while skating had been drowned out by frustration. i wanted to work on my kickflips a lil just to get 'em a little more down-packed, and just cause i'd miss one here and there, i'd completely disregard the hundreds that i had done perfectly before. jay actually referred to them as "his HANDBOARD kickflips." and if you've ever seen jay handboard, you know how damn good those are! so, in any event, i'm gonna try not to get so stressed out over something so little from now on and i'd like to take the time to personally thank Jason Owens for being as good a friend as he has to me and for bringing me back up when i get into my once in a while states of depression like this(not that i'm depressed, just not as satisfied as usual). THANKS J-DIZZLE!!!