Stolen from Julie who in turn stole it from Viraj.

Feb 26, 2007 21:56

100 Truths about Myself

(Note: Not really...there are quite a few numbers missing.)

001. real name ? Megan Michele Francis (Confirmation name) Bartlett
002. nicknames ? Meegan, Meg (although only 3 people are allowed to call me that because I absolutely hate that name). back in grammar school i was called megg-o, nutmeg and megaB
003. single or taken ? single. meh.
004. zodiac sign? saggitarius (wouldn't it be embarassing if i misspelled that?)
005. male or female ? post-op female (*snicker*)
008. cell phone ? ...yes. nicely scratched up, i might add
009. best friend? i really don't like this question because it makes numerous people upset
010. hair color ? brownish...reddish...ehhh weird blonde highlights sometimes. i don't know
011. long or short ? past my shoulders soo...medium
015. are you health freak ? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
016. height ? 5'6
017. do you like someone ? i can't even tell anymore. maybe?
018. do you like yourself ? eh, i'm okay.
019. piercings ? ears
020. tattoos ? no but i've been seriously considering it
021. righty or lefty? righty represent


022. first surgery ? tonsils and adnoids removed when i was 7ish (and maybe my uvula...cause it's not there and i don't know what happened to it)
023. first piercing ? Ears. senior year of high school baby, i'm WILD
024. first best friend ? i'm gonna go with...Nicky Dunkelburger or Steve Mangano or Matt Patton - all boys of course
025. first award ? uhm, i got a trivia award thing at Fairview from the library. i won a book :) (which i never read)
026. first sport you joined ? i did dance for 5 years. but i also did like, peewee T-ball. (it always threw a perfect game, amazing)
027. first pet ? erm. fish. but my real first pet was probably Thumper when I was 7. and that sucker is still alive.
028. first vacation ? i'd been visiting my aunt and uncle's cottage in wisconsin since i was super little during the summers. so i'd say that's a vacation
030. first crush -> i might've had a crush on matt patton, but i'm gonna go with justin draper or ryan mosbrook


049. eating ? nothing
050. drinking ? always coca-cola
052. i'm about to ? ...i don't know. surf the internet s'more?
053. listening to ? the news
055. waiting for ? that fire to come back to my eyes (*toilet flush*)
057. wearing ? my DGS senior shirt and orange workout shorts


058. want kids? ? i want dogs first. i'm not even kidding.
059. want to get married?? yeah, i couldn't live alone.
060. careers in mind? ? band director. although i'm back and forth between middle school and high school (i hate high schoolers so much...soooo much)


068. lips or eyes? ? Eyes
069. hugs or kisses ? not everybody is a great kisser, but it's pretty hard to fuck up a hug. a guy can say a lot more in a hug than they can in a kiss.
070. shorter or taller ? Taller
072. romantic or spontaneous? mmm...spontaneous i guess
073. nice stomach or nice arms ? nice arms i suppose. although i'd go with the nice personality first
074. sensitive or loud ? mean quiet or loud? or sensitive or rude? sensitive is not an antonym of loud.
075. hook-up or relationship ? used to be relationship, but i've been leaning towards hook-up lately. :/
076. MIA
077. trouble maker or hesitant?? trouble maker. it makes life more fun. as long as they're not like...getting arrested


078. kissed a stranger ? no. cause they could have had gonorrhea. and i could've died.
079. drank bubbles ? hahah yes. and then i ate corn flakes because i thought it would make the bad taste go away. it didn't.
080. lost glasses/contacts ? i left my glasses in a mcdonalds ball pit. my dad was pissed.
081. number 81 went to sleep, which is what I should be doing.
082. broken any bones ? nope. don't really want to.
084. broken someone's heart ? ugh. yes.
085. been arrested ? yes. for being too cool. ( no)
086. turned someone down ? yes
087. cried when someone died ? yes
088. liked a friend ? what...what an awful question.


089. yourself? depends what the situation is. i second guess myself a lot.
090. miracles ? i'd like to, but i have yet to see one.
091. Wherefore are thou?
092. heaven ? i want to believe so badly it hurts that when i die i will be reunited with those i loved on earth
093. santa claus ? *cries*
094. sex on the first date ? never. at least not if you expect him/her to respect you or want a relationship
095. kissing on the first date ? depends on the person/how well the date went
096. angels? not angels with wings and halos, no. but everybody has their own personal angel on earth to help them through rough times.


097. do you like more than one person right now? UGH i wish i knew one person i liked! stop asking this question!!!
098. where do you most want to visit? C-eh-N-eh-D-eh
099. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Never have and (especially now) never fucking will
100. do you believe in God? yeah, i do. i don't know if i necessarily believe that children dying of cancer at age 12 is "His way" though.

and then....

60 Stupid Fucking Questions
1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Hana-na and Bridget. Earlier tonight when we sang the SAI chorale.

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
I'm pretty stealthy. That and once they see how awful I am with firearms they'll give me a job like mess hall clean-up or something stupid. So yes.

3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes. It helps me fall asleep when there's background noise.

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Ugh no, there's weird dry crackly shit on my milk gallon tops.

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
I RULED the sixth grade.

6. Do you like somebody right now?
...I will fight a bitch.

7. Are you a fast typer?

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
Eh, I'm afraid of what I can't see. So...yes.

10. Who can you always turn to?
Viraj. Always have and always will be able to.

11. Whens the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
The last time I took a bath is when I was like...7. Seriously. Baths take way too long.

12. Do you knock on wood?
I'll say something, laugh at myself and say "knock on wood" and actually do it. And about 2.5 seconds later, drop my head in shame because I sounded like a complete tard.

13. Are you drinking anything right now?
just Coke. and wasn't this asked already?

14. Do you think you're attractive?
i think i have ugly duck syndrome. i don't think i'm pretty at all, i find tons of flaws. i was ugly as fuck when i was little and that's what i still see when i look in a mirror.

17. What do you want for Christmas?
an abortion. (i actually laughed out loud right after i typed this)

18. Do you know the muffin man?
no, sounds like a serial killer.

19. Do you talk in your sleep?
Yes. I also sing, hold conversations and punch in my sleep.

20. Who wrote the book of love?
the book of what? stop asking stupid questions fool

21. Have you ever flown a kite?
yes and i wish it were a windy spring day so i could fly another one. i haven't in way too long

22. When was the last time that you went swimming and where?
uhm...jeez. i...don't know. i think the outback bowl last year in florida during winter break.

23. Do you consider yourself successful?
i think i can make successful comebacks due to events in my life. but successful? eh

25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
probably. i did definitely ask for horse-riding lessons which you would think is more reasonable but nooooooo.

26. Plans for tomorrow?
one class, work in the ITC, jazz band. that's pretty much it. do some homework

Michele (note the one l). It's my mom's first name.

28. Missing someone right now?
i miss the memories of several people. that's it. although i do miss some people at home in illinois i haven't seen in a long time.

29.When was the last time you told some one you love them?
i told viraj earlier i loved her. and probably ana because she says it all the time.

ugh, god i don't know. does marching band count? (all together now! one...two...three...FUCK NO!) sooo volleyball last summer.

31. How are you feeling today?
awful. i woke up sick and didn't go to my first three classes.

32. Are you black?
i don't know, are you gay? because that matters just as much

33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

34. What are you looking forward to?
not being sick

35. Have you ever crawled through a window?
numerous times. my kitchen window of the old house. my brother's window. probably others as well.

37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
i worked in a kennel for 5 years, surrounded by 40 pound bags of dog food, what do you think? (the answer is no you pervs)

38. Can you handle the truth?
i could if people told me the truth.

39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
mold IS delicious

40. What 3 things you always bring with you to places?
Wallet, keys, and my phone.

41. Any cool scars?
i have a bunch of scars on my right foot from being stepped on by dogs (i wore flip flops at the kennel sometimes, bad idea). i also used to have a really long scar from cutting off a slice of skin while trying to shave in a bathroom at BOA. let's see...i have a very small hole in the middle of my forehead from when i had chicken pox. i SHOULD have a ton of scars up and down my right arm from when i was attacked by a lab at the kennel...but they oddly enough went away after about a week.

42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?

43. Who was the last person you kissed?
you know. i don't remember. i think i kissed ward (alabama-accent guy) on the cheek recently...i think? otherwise i kissed chet and ivan (both on the cheek) at the last music people party at a bar i went to.

44. What do you do when no one is watching?
shave my legs in the sink. it's so relaxing

45. How often do you talk on the phone?
a few times a day, but only for like, 5 minutes at a time.

46. Do you talk to yourself?
Really only when I'm doing music theory homework.

47. Is there something you want that you can't have?
What a strange question. Of course there is.

48. Three things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Hair, smile, Height

49. Who are you thinking about right now?
"when are these sleepy pills going to kick in"

50. Who did you last hug?
i don't remember the last time i got a good strong hug. i miss that

52. Where is your phone?
next to me on the charger

53. What was the last thing you ate?
burge food. sooo beef and brocoli with fried rice and a slightly good piece of cake

54. Favorite Color?
i hate being bound by favorites. i honestly don't have one.

55. Last movie you watched?
all the way through? i watched most of 10 things i hate about you. i was forced to watch the matrix about two weeks ago.

56. What song do you currently hear?
a stupid song backing up a commercial

57. What do you want?
prince charming

58. Would you ever date anyone on ur friends list?
on my friends list? do people really keep a friends list? can i see yours?

59. What t.v. show are you watching?
I love new york!!! holla!!

60. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
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