May 22, 2007 09:04
Dear Friends of The Leaven Center,
Recently you received a letter telling you that our Executive Director Melanie Morrison will leave her position at the end of 2007. We have now begun a national search to recruit a new executive director. Because we are seeking a director who understands and embraces the unique mission of Leaven, it seemed natural that we would turn to you for assistance in this search.
Each of you has a connection with, and investment in the future of, The Leaven Center. Therefore, we are sending you a copy of the job posting, and ask that you help circulate it as widely as possible. Perhaps you could pass it on to individuals who might be interested in applying, or you could distribute it through listservs or newsletters that may reach interested individuals.
Although we will miss Melanie's presence, we are also excited by the possibilities that are unfolding in this year of transition. We appreciate your support in so many ways as we move forward.
Oletha Haller
Search Committee Chair & Board Vice President
Executive Director
Leaven Center - Lyons, MI
The Leaven Center seeks an Executive Director. The Leaven Center ( is a retreat and study center dedicated to nurturing the relationship between spirituality and social justice. Located on 25 beautiful acres of land near Lyons, Michigan, The Leaven Center provides a context where people committed to social change can find rest and nourishment for body and spirit, as well as bold and innovative programming. The meadows, woods, river banks, and facilities at the Leaven Center offer a healing and restorative environment for people who need to disengage for a time from their daily lives in order to re-engage more fully and creatively.
Leaven's programs are guided by a commitment to racial, sexual, and economic justice; the rights of people with disabilities; and respect for the wisdom of varying religious and spiritual traditions. Since opening in March of 2000, The Leaven Center has been the site of 177 retreats, workshops, or seminars facilitated by outstanding leaders and attended by participants from across the United States and Canada. Much of Leaven's programming addresses the needs and concerns of marginalized groups such as communities of color, women, people with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Core to Leaven's mission is the goal of building a community of allies who are committed to doing their own work in understanding their relationship to oppression and privilege and to building authentic relationships across difference.
Executive Director:
The Leaven Center Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and has responsibilities in the areas of fiscal development and management, program development, staff supervision, organizational development and governance, constituency development and publicity/marketing. Within these areas, the Executive Director will:
Oversee and manage organizational development, including strategic and operational planning
Develop the center's overall program vision
Supervise the management of day-to-day activities of the organization, including the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of all staff and contracted individuals
Develop and maintain relationships with constituents, guests, donors, and renters
Work with Leaven staff to increase and diversify Leaven's constituency base and oversee the publicity and marketing of Leaven programs
Work with the Board Finance Committee to develop yearly budget and business plans, research and prepare grants, submit interim and final reports to grant makers as requested
Work with the Board Fund Raising Committee to develop an annual fundraising plan to meet budgetary goals
Work with the Board Fund Raising Committee and staff to design and implement individual fund raising campaigns, coordinate the cultivation and solicitation of individual donors
Work with Board to develop and solicit corporate donor prospects.
Desired Qualifications:
Demonstrated commitment to Leaven's mission and values ~ demonstrated commitment to the personal work of understanding one's relationship to systems of privilege and oppression, and to the intimate relationship between spirituality and social justice ~ strong administrative skills ~ demonstrated experience securing, expanding, and managing multiple funding sources ( e.g. individual, foundation, corporate) and experience providing fiscal oversight, management, and development ~ supervisory and managerial experience utilizing a collaborative style in working with colleagues ~ knowledge of, and experience working with, diverse communities (urban and rural) and proven ability to work with multiracial, multicultural, multireligious, intergenerational communities and organizations ~ excellent communications skills, including strong verbal and written abilities ~ ability to both listen and lead ~ ability to inspire others and generate enthusiasm for Leaven's mission and programs ~ strong interpersonal skills and a hospitable spirit ~ ability to work variable hours, including evenings and weekends ~ ability to travel statewide ~ recent leadership experience in non-profit (or comparable) organizations preferred ~ bachelor's degree preferred.
Salary and Benefits:
Salary is commensurate with experience. Salary range is from 35K to 42K. Benefit package also included.
To Apply:
Please send the following:
A resume or vitea
A statement, no longer than 2 pages (double spaced) of relevant skills and work experiences related to desired qualifications
Contact information (including email) for three references
Information should be sent to:
Oletha Haller, Chair - Leaven Search Committee
2801 Cooley Drive
Lansing, MI 48911
Or emailed to
Deadline for submission of materials is August 3, 2007. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. It is expected that a candidate will be selected by October 2007.
Leaven is an equal opportunity employer committed to developing a culturally diverse work environment that reflects the make-up of the people and communities we serve.
For further information contact:
Oletha Haller, Chair
Leaven Search Committee
2801 Cooley Drive, Lansing, MI 48911
517.484.2107 or 517.214.6194 (cell)
You can also find a copy of this job posting in pdf format at .