A pixel trade legacy, featuring sims from: simpurity (Olina Yorik), cosmetical (Anderson Dinaer), simnels (Camille Campbell), smustleparty (Jackie Morgan), and thealicecat (Chad Radium)
Now settle down boys and girls, its time for a story. Once upon a time, there was a Viking named Olina Yorik. She wasn’t like the other Vikings in her remote village though, for while they loved to fish, hunt, grow crops, and sail around in their longboats (with a bit of raiding on the side), Olina just liked to make and eat grilled cheese sandwiches.
The other Vikings didn’t like that Olina sat around, not helping with chores. So they invented a quest to get her out of their hair. “Olina, you have been chosen to go on a sacred mission.” They said. “Take this book, in it is a number of challenges. When all of these challenges have been met, come back to us, and you will be honored as a hero.”
So Olina boarded a longboat, and set off to fulfill her mission. Shortly after leaving however, a big storm came upon her. Her boat was tossed and turned, and eventually it sank, leaving Olina to swim to shore. She was far, far away from her homeland now, in unfamiliar terrain.
She found a spot of beach where a pond of fresh water emptied into the ocean in a waterfall, and there was where she decided to start her Sacred Mission. And thus begins the legacy.
Meet Olina Yorvik! This is a VDSL Challenge, so I’m guessing everyone knows by now that Olina (the lovely Bekah created by simpurity) is a Virgo, and a grilled cheese sim.
Olina: “Oh hey guys! Did you know I’ve been living down on that beach for a week, while this whole name, not 20 yards away was a road? Funny no? And what is this strange thing?”
That my dear would be the newspaper. Its how your going to find a job to support yourself and your descendents, because I don’t know if you looked real close at that book of challenges the elders gave you, but it’s awfully thick to complete in one lifetime.
Olina: “Oh look, my first meeting with a native! Hello, I’mOlinaNiceToMeet… She’s gone.”
Camille: *Just keep running, and don’t make eye contact*
Ye olde starter shack. On the plus side, it’s got good ventilation. Gotta look on the bright side.
The welcome wagon arrives with only one neighbor (Jackie), who barges right on in. This is what you get for not having four closed walls on a house. Olina, aren’t you going to say hi?
Olina: “Can’t. Too busy inhaling grilled cheese fumes.”
Ooookay then, take your time Olina. Whenever you’re ready.
I’m surprised Jackie would want to shake hands with Olina, I’d be leery about it myself.
Jackie: “Giiirl, what on /earth/ are you wearing?”
Olina: But, my granmama sewed this shift, it’s a family heirloom!”
Time to get to business, the Book of Challenges states that this week…
It’s suffering for your art! So much for that Gamer job Olina just got, and this’ll also delay the mate finding and baby making process significantly. Since Olina is the only sim in the household, I let her have a couple hours to serve 3 batches of grilled cheese and put them in the fridge, before locking her in the room with the fridge as well, so she won’t starve. I think 18 servings of grilled cheese should last a week right? Let’s hope so.
I have very few pictures of Olina’s first week, because this was all it was.
Olina’s first night, she doesn’t even get to sleep in a real bed.
Things deteriorate quickly. Not a week into the legacy, and we already have social bunny visits and wettings. She also lost her job of course, and failed to pay bills.
Olina: “Okay, forget being honored as a hero. I just want to go home.” :(
She’d get so upset at being stinky that her fun would drop and she’d refuse to paint. I think I only got her 7 creativity points during the week. Fun fact: 18 helpings of grilled cheese did last a week, in case anyone is curious. And it was eating grilled cheese that kept her from going into aspiration failure, although it was close.
And finally Monday rolls around again, and it’s time to go earn some money, because she’s seriously running low. She’s got a Music job this time, because it was the one of the three offered that had Monday as a work day.
Yay! Promotion after the first day. Which is good because it gives a little extra money for this week’s challenge.
A double bed! So why would Olina need a double bed?
Week 2: Raging Nymphomaniac. And this fellow here would be Chad (Radium) the first male to walk past.
Olina: “Hello. I’ve just been locked up in my 3 x 3 bathroom for a week with nothing but a fridge, sink, sofa, easel, and a bowl of fruit. Wanna have sex?”
Chad: “Nice to meet you, my name is…wait, what?”
I’m a little confused about how this particular challenge should work when you have ACR. Olina’s been locked up and only met Jackie before that, so by normal rules she’d never get anyone to bed in a week since she has no friends yet. So what I did was drop the Daily and lifetime requirements for ACR, allowed unmarried try for baby, and had her use the ACR Casual Try for baby option with people. This way acceptance doesn’t hinge on how well you know the person, but how good your attraction score is with them.
She’s got negative chemistry with Chad, but here goes nothing.
She can’t even hold a normal conversation with this guy, every attempt to chat ended in failure. And yes Olina wears granny panties, they’re the height of Viking fashion.
But then a few hours later he calls back, maybe there is hope after all! And yes, the phone is in the bathroom. It’s the only enclosed room of the house, and I don’t want it waking her up from sleeping.
Olina, let me tell you something about our society and culture. Bragging about the number of times you’ve wet yourself doesn’t help your cause.
Hello Anderson, let’s try this again.
Olina just shrugged when I had her check him out, but they have one bolt, so he must fancy her a bit at least.
Before getting him in bed, Olina whips up some of her ‘magical’ grilled cheese to try to seduce him. Run Anderson, run away!
Here goes nothing.
Olina’s first woohoo! No chimes though, thank goodness.
Doesn’t Olina look so excited? Do you want to know what she found? A rock. I think I can understand why her village threw her out. On the plus side, there was finally a bit of extra money to get her normal looking clothes, yay!
Guess who walked past again? Olina ran to greet him.
Olina: *Grin grin*
And this time, there were chimes. And I can’t really have Olina marry the guy yet until this week’s challenge is over. Marriage and inviting random strangers off the street for sex just doesn’t work.
Another promotion! Yaaay, she’ll be able to afford baby supplies!
The first chance card of the legacy!
I hate my game so much sometimes.
So. Olina is pregnant. Single. And now has no job. I’d be worried if I were her.
Chad walks past again. Yet again, woohooing fails, but at least she has someone to commiserate with instead of stuffing herself with grilled cheese alone.
Bathroom pop while talking on the phone!
Pop #2 while in bed, complete with pink dust! Not much happened that day, the mail carrier arrived and she attempted to woo him, to no avail.
Olina looked in the paper for her THIRD job of this update, in the Business track this time, but of course was already in her second trimester by then, so no monies until after the baby is born. But, at least she has enough creativity points to earn a bit of money this way.
Olina: “Wait, where is the nursemaid? Back where I came from, one didn’t do this all alone!”
Tough cookies, your already almost halfway through your adult life, it’d be a shame if something happened and you died without any offspring.
Meet Reijo Yorik. S3, and Dad’s eyes and hair.
Nope, Olina isn’t excited about having her firstborn, she’s excited about making her bed, which she had been about to do when she went into labor.
Really not the best environment to be raising a child in. Something will have to be done about this.
And then Anderson invited himself over and fed his child. As I recall, he has a full 10 in outgoing.
Aww. You should probably keep him Olina.
It was still Sunday night, and you know what that means. Another baby is on the way.
It was inevitable really. Yeah they don’t have great chemistry, but she was already having two kids by the man anyhow. Plus, omg money
The house (finally) gets its first makeover since creation.
Monday morning meant another challenge from the Viking Book of Challenges. This week? Fashion is life. Awesome! Not one that should interfere with normal day to day life at last. This would be Olina’s outfit of choice for day 1.
And a promotion at her first day on the job! And what will be her only day, probably. Because she’ll be popping again soon, and even after the second baby is born it’d make more sense for Anderson to have a job since his LTW is career related. He’s a Pleasure sim btw, LTW is top of the slacker career. Olina will stay home and raise the kids.
With another on the way, it only makes sense. No formalities for these two though, Olina proposes in the kitchen...apparently after having eaten one of her 'magic' grilled cheese sandwiches.
And then that night its Reijo’s B-day, yay for babies born before 6. He looks different for any other toddler I’ve had in my game thus far. His parents have very different facial features so we’ll just have to wait to see.
And there you have it. Until next time, thanks for reading!