ferret ponderings

Aug 18, 2019 01:43

Watching MeTV, mostly Twilight Zone, makes me wonder ...
if music is the "universal language" and radio waves radiate nearly forever (albeting always getting weaker),
what would others infer about us from our audio transmissions?

AM, FM are rather easy to decode, thus the analog RECORD on Voyager.
It's most likely to be understood by others.
Today's digital encoding and crypto, not as likely.

Early music was full of soothing sounds and mathematical progressions.
Now most music if full of anger and frustation (a simple ferret's summary of rap and punk).
With so much content going only via cable and fiber optic,
very little of the "good stuff" is transmitted by radio anymore.

With so many radio stations playing the same songs over and over,
I wonder if any aliens would consider us a stagnant civilization,
particularly with Trump's spewings?
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