Jul 26, 2009 22:19
So, I buckled and got around to getting a Livejournel account. Not so much because I wanted to post stuff, so much as because I wanted to be able to sign in and leave comments...which I'll start doing once I upload a user pic I like. Because I'm weird like that. *shrugs*
So yeah, I didn't create this account with the intent of posting anything. Then again, I created a Fanfiction.net account and a DeviantArt account with the exact same intents, and I've actually buckled and posted some of my own stuff on both sites (for the sake of your sanity, don't bother looking at my drawings. They were done for fun, and have no artistic value whatsever. My stories are MUCH better).
So, uh, yeah...welcome to anyone who manages to stumble their way here! :)