Drew's Top Ten

Mar 03, 2005 19:48

A lot of people (okay a lot of girls) have been posting their list of what makes up their perfect guy. I have decided that in response to this, I will compile up a list of what makes up my perfect girl, and hopefully some people will learn a thing or two about me.


10.) Female
9.) Wears colorful clothing (solid colors, no patterns) or just really pretty colors (like blues or greens...or pinks...pretty much anything that isn't black or brown)
8.)Respects me for who I am and can deal with the Powerpuff Girls being my favorite animated movie
7.) Adventurous...(willing to just go to some random place at any random time on impulse)
6.) Is moderately intelligent...not thick-headed (basically as smart as me or smarter. If I am the smarter person in a couple that definitely won't end well at all)
5.) Tells me when I am doing something wrong and doesn't keep it to themselves for me to figure it out on my own. (I have great respect for honesty)
4.) Takes good care of themself (general grooming, hair, nails, makeup...the things most guys don't even notice nor appreciate)
3.) Modest (I find modest people more likeable because they aren't all in your face and bitchy)
2.) Understands that I am unemployed and am incapible of taking them out anywhere or buying them any gifts for a little while.
1.) Not Jewish...or at least doesn't act as such.

Oh, and if they turned out to be gay...that's fine. As long as I get to watch her hook up with the girl she left me for.

EDIT: How the hell do you guys come up with like 50 things you want in a person? I struggled figuring out these 10...
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