it provokes hostility! and blue has a calming effect on people. i learned that on scrubs (<3!). my closet is a sea of blues, reds, purples, and blacks, but pink is my favorite color. what could that mean?
well finallyyyyy after a long and stressful week of uncertainty, this is my schedule:
8-8:50 chem
9-9:50 math
11-11:50 physics
6:10-7 physics discussion (M only)
8-11:50 chem lab
6:10-7 math discussion
8-10:20 physics lab
5-9 internship
aside from 8 am classes everyday, it's not too bad. i plan to attend the afternoon lectures instead of the 8 o'clock ones. i only have to go to my assigned class to take midterms. anyway, it's better to have morning classes in the spring ... no walking around while it's blazing hot. ^_^ i'm a little worried that i'm getting behind, though. it's only 14 units, but i really don't think i can handle another class on top of all this math and science. you're considered a sophomore after completing 45 units; i'll be finishing this year with 42. technically, i'll still be a freshman come next fall quarter. O_O
i did two labs today. (made up one from last week.) so i'm tired and will be going to bed soon like the old lady i am.