(no subject)

Nov 05, 2004 14:05

Hey all...
Well, I know it's been awhile since my last update, and I truly am
sorry....::begs forgiveness::  But as for now, you all can have a veeery
long update. This weekend (and by weekend I mean Friday through Tuesday)
has been absolutely wonderful...
On Friday there was Sigma Boo...everyone got dressed up, and we all had
lots of fun, and did a good amount of drinking...I was a modern-day
vampire, complete with the bright red lips, pale everything else, and
lots of black leather. Ace went Goth..he was all in black...including
nailpolish and lipstick...and he let me put eyeliner, mascara, and this
beautiful dark gray eyeshadow on him....I wanted to rape him right
there. We dressed Brian up as a pseudo-monster of sorts...Ace lent him
this extremely strange mask he had from I-don't-even-know-where, and a
long black robe, and a sword. And once we'd pumped enough alcohol into
him, we even got him dancing...sort of. All in all, it was a lovely
night, and Ace even spent the night at mine, as Abby was out of town all
weekend on some sort of Christian retreat thingie.
Then there was Saturday...and what a lovely day at was.  I woke up in
Ace's arms, which in and of itself made my day...but it got better...we
went to breakfast with Alissa, and then he went back to his to read his
German, and Alissa and I went to mine, cleaned, and did a bunch of
reading we had to do...then went and got dinner, and went back to mine
to start prepping for TKE's halloween party. Ace went Goth again, as did
Alissa, and I went as Britney Spears from the Oops I Did it Again
video...the party was fun...didn't drink near as much as Friday night,
and then went home, and Ace and I decided we were hungry, so we ordered
Alfano's at about 3:30, then crashed.
Sunday morning, the alarm on Ace's phone woke us at 9:00, but it told us
it was 10:00 (daylight savings mishap), so we went back to sleep, at
didn't wake up until 10:40 (really). I frantically packed, and Ace and I
tore to the Amtrak ststion, where I made my train with about 10 minutes
to spare. When I got into the city, I went over to Rosie's dropped my
leather off, and went home to shower, before rushing back to grab my
leather and hop the redline downtown to meet Marc at the Thai place...he
was late, as per his usual, so we had to scarf down the lovely Thai food
to make it to Boy's Town in time to meet Bosie and her posse. It was
when we met up with her, that the fun really started. First off, it'd
been ages since we'd seen each other, and that made the initial reunion
that much sweeter..but even more fun was the fact that she was dressed
up as someone from Rocky Horror...she had on a black leather corset top,
black underwear, black fishnets, and this crazy silver cape, topped off
with an afro-like wig, and a whooole bunch of whiteface. It was wow.
Just wow. Unfortunately, she left rather early, and I was left with
Justin, her drummer, and Mark, a dude she knows from work. Before she
left, though, we shared the most amazing hug, I think I've ever heard
of...I mean we just held each other...right there in the middle of Boy's
Town, as random flamboyantly dressed party-ers passed all around us...it
was like the whole world drifted into nothing-ness, and all there was
was her and me and this hug. Later that night, Mark asked me how long
we'd gone out, and I kinda stuttered at my response, because I think the
technical amount of time says nothing as to how long it felt like we
were together...and how close we'd been, and are, I think, begining to
be again...and as it turned out, I never did give him a solid
answer...he cut me off and said, "Judging from that hug, not nearly long
enough...that was a moment if I've ever seen one." And he waas
right...on both counts. It was a moment, and we probably didn't go out
long enough. But what's done is done, and I think I can finally say that
I've made my peace with the whole thing, and am content to have Bosie's
friendship, and her friendship alone (well, maybe a kiss once in
awhile). Truth is, Bosie and I had our chance, and while I regret not a
moment of the time I spent as hers, it's done now. Maybe I was too
excited over it...too happygoluckycrazyBosiesmineandIwanttheworldtoknow
kind of excited...or maybe she wasn't strong enough to be with me...or
maybe, maybe, we just weren't meant to be. And as hard as it is for me
to type those words, if that's the case, then I think I can deal with
that now. I truly have moved on...I won't say that Ace is better than
Bosie, and I won't even say that there aren't ever times when I wish we
could've stuck it out and stayed together, but what I will say is this.
I'm over her, she's over me, and the men we've each found work for us. And as for me, I love Ace, and he loves me, and that, in and of itself is enough. But I've digressed...pretty significantly, it seems...the  rest of Sunday was pretty calm...not much went on at all...after Bosie left, Mark, Justin and I went to Clarkes with some random people who'd come up to us earlier in the night, and just, kinda...latched on to us. They left pretty quick, though, as one of them got sick, so it was back to just the 3 of us. By the time we'd finished eating, it was close to 11:30, and I was due home in about an hour and a half...but none of us was in the mood to end the night early, so we started calling around looking for parties...by the time we found one, it was after 12:00, and far away, off in Polishville, and I wasn't particularly interested, so I hopped a cab back home, and called it a night.

Monday was filled with a trip to the dentist to get a filling that had come out replaced...then there was Marc to see for a bit, before my dad dropped me off at Lane to visit, and Marc at Payton to do the same. Being back at Lane was....alot of things. I'd really wanted to see Angie, the old security guard at M, but by the time I got there, she'd just left ::tear:: So I wandered up to DeRoss's...he's got a bigger, better room this year...it's carpeted, and airconditioned, and even has some crazy little office thingie attached to it...but it's at the other end of nowhere, and has less built-in storage space, and quite simply, just isn't 211...and I think that's how most of the vet's feel (there are 7...in a class of 34! I've never heard of him having a class so big, and honestly, I think the size is part of why they're not doing as well this year). After school let out, and Dessi, Kim, and I had made movie plans for later in the night (we saw Saw...it was scary as all hell...and yes, I know I'm a chickenshit...lol...don't make fun of me! But weee!! I can't wait to see Ring Two), I went up and had a joyous reunion with Ms. Rent...we talked for like an hour and a half...I can see how much she misses the girls, and I feel uber bad for her...::tear:: But we're planning a reunion lunch/movie thingie for sometime around Thanksgiving. After Lane, I went and saw mommy, and made mac 'n' cheese, and gossiped with her about random things...she was laughing and giggling about Ace and me like she was some sort of hyper crazed school girl...it was great. Then I went home, changed, and went with Dessi and Kim to see Saw.

Tuesday was pretty chill...I got up, voted, then went and met up with Eddie...it was the first time I'd seen him in like forever...and it was really good. From what he said, and how he acted, I think getting out and seeing an old, true friend did him worlds of good. I mean, we just sat there and talked and drank coffee...but it was good (the conversation, and seeing him...not the coffee...the coffee sucked), and it's definitely something we'll do again. He has a girlfriend/fiancee now, and this time, he truly is devoted to her...like...he loves her this time, and doesn't wanna cheat, or do anything else wrong...he's quit smoking (so've I), quit with the recreational drugs and whatnot...even cut back on the drinking, and he hasn't so much as touched another girl, since he got with this one...I'm so incredibly proud of him...really, I am. It's like....wow...just wow. So then, I went back home, packed, saw Aunt Carol for a few minutes and hopped in the car with my dad and Dee and Gus for the ride back to G-burg. When we got here, my they met Ace...it was so cute...hewas squeezing my hand under the table like the whole time....lol. But he did good, I think, though nothing's been said about him since, which is ok. After dinner, my dad and Dee left, and Ace and I went back to mine for a more private reunion. And that was the weekend. Lovely...absolutely lovely.

As for this weekend, who knows...Alissa wants to go to TKE tonight, but other than that, I don't have a clue.

So there...I feel accomplished, now.

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