Pokemon ramblings

Mar 19, 2010 23:21

I feel so happy.... I have pokemon SoulSilver and I started playing... unfortunately now I have to level grind like never before.... They made it much harder than when I originally played it.... nice thing is the PokeWalker.... I wanted to test it out so I put my Ghastly (cleverly named Livonze) onto it.... he randomly encountered crap.... and I caught a DoDuo and a Sentret on the walker. I have to keep an eye out for if/when the Mew event happens... I missed the Jirachi one. And I hear there is a Celebi event coming around at some point. But I will one day have that mew!

Current Team
Hiro - Quilava lvl 19(Not because of fire but because of the Heroes character.... I am such a sucker for Moe-Glasses boys....)
Wooper - no name lvl 18
Hooo - HootHoot lvl 17
Pedo - Drowzee lvl 18(in reference to the Nightmare Fuel trope site)
Vines - Bellsprout lvl 18 - yeah I seem to be soooo creative when coming up with their names.... like naming a cat fluffy....
Denryu - Flaafy lvl 20 (in reference to it's 3rd evolutions Japanese name that I thought was better)

The next gym on the list is a Normal Type... I could trade in my drowzee for machop... but that would mean trading my Nightmare Fuel.... So I need to level grind until they're all at 21 or 22. I remembered the roll-out move back in the day of the second generation.... absolutely hated that shit... and here it comes back to haunt me....

Also I need to sell more doujin to have a bit more money to pay bills.... >__<; I am tempted to sell the Purple Army to make some money but that would mean picking out characters to sell which is too heartbreaking....

dark_slytherin... if you are reading.... I put the shipping request out for the doujin you got.... I'll let you know when it gets here.... Haven't heard from you, hope you're alive.

pfmoi.... be on sometime other than the morning. ;__; I miss you

hg_deathscythe.... Dan won't eat the soup.... also I want to make cake together... delicious fluffy sweet cake

zanzou.... I got the post card! My mom thought I had illegal friends from Mexico for some reason... so thanks for the card and my mom is weird

pokemon, soulsilver, ramblings

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