Random Writery Wailing

Nov 05, 2010 20:59

1) WHY did I think it would be a good idea to write a story with two separate but converging POVs?

2) WHY did I think it might BE EVEN BETTER if one started where the other ended and went backwards until the convergence? Rearranging things now and trying to make it so the tone of one POV transitions well with the next is a PAIN.

3) Why am I writing four completely different things at once? Namely
  1. post-apocalyptic fantasy aka Dream Weaver
  2. weird paranormal squicky dark fic...thing
  3. gen crack
Well, okay, the crack is not that different from MOAR CRACK.

4) I hate present tense narration/POV.

5) I really AM researching enzymes for fiction with possibly as much dedication as I do for academic papers and presentations!

Also, posting out of order in communities is also not possible in Dreamwidth? Sorry if there's anyone watching the
oneshinyapple comm and getting a flood of chapters. (Wait, there's only a couple of people watching the comm. WATCH IT?)

Hmmm...I need prompts for short stories (that are not of the fan fictiony sort, mostly).  I just want to write more.
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