Mar 02, 2008 10:51
Still feeling relatively good, some pangs of nicotine fits but nothing full blown. I still think I'm doing well and Tuesday will make it two weeks, which I am very proud of.
However, now I'm nervous about the surgery. Really nervous, I mean. I've tried beating my imps (Dungeon Keeper 2) and its not helping. I tried playing Oblivion and writing some Elani stuff. I can't get it off my mind.
So being this annoyed and uspet, I decide it might be a good idea to sit down with a hilarious book, the Book of Moron Mormon. Its so funny. First, the hero/profit prophet is named Nephi. He is a heady little bastard like I said before. He writes "I, Nephi" a lot as though he wants to make sure that either A: you know his name, B: understand that its all about him, or C: feel his righteousness. Nephi's brothers hate him because, so Nephi thinks, he is doing what his earthly father and God tell him to do. This is not the reason they really hate him. They hate him because he's a self-righteous snot. Its all about travelling to the holy land, which I'm sure is going to be America, in a boat that Nephi has to build. Now, I ask you, if you were ever going to get into a boat; would you get into one made by someone who never made a boat before? Aw fuck no. You couldn't pay me money to do that. So the brothers, having enough of Nephi's shit, tied him up and left him somewhere to stew. Now granted, that action only inflates Nephi's ego. All prophets have this deathwish when they serve God. They want to die in the name of what's holy to be a martyr. Look around, we have some of them lingering after their leader Jerry Falwell died. So the book ends with them travelling. There is my book report for the day.