Same subject matter, different day.

Apr 11, 2013 21:59

I do write about this in my written journal too but lately I haven't had the time to purge enough of this venom, I guess, to get it completely out of my system. It looks like the sperm donor is the neice's new BFF on Facebook these days. Yes, that is as disgusting as it sounds. Yeah, hell, they both can spend their days bouncing between a euphoric high (where they're everybody's everything) to bemoaning their self-created situations, (wonding why the world makes them suffer so much), providing "the world", their "fans", their "following" (all 4 or 5 of the people who don't bother to point out the inconsistencies in their exsistence) with status updates that could easilly be posted by a 12 year old. Dear neice, who is about as "disabled" as the sperm donor is, is jobless once again. She has exhausted her mother's mercies but visits her Daddy Oh from time to time, I'm sure, just to see if the manipulation fruits are ripe for the picking. Her facebook posts are horrifically lame, transparent ploys for the attention that she has always needed so much of. All kinds of those pre-made "status funnies", which would be more amusing if I didn't know the details of her pitiful life. If she would only spend as much time and energy on her personal business as she does on updating her status' she might have half a chance of healing and being healthy again. Really?? One wonders, doesn't she see this "wonderful husband" of hers? Why would she post a pic of a full body tattoo and ask, "Imagine this with cherry blossoms, Ferrett, what do you think?" on Facebook? Hmmmm... well, I'm no rocket scientist but I've got an idea about all of that. She might as well just posted,  "Hey, everybody and anybody!!! I am brave and I am beautiful and sexy and I want to hear you all say it!!!" Seriously? That's not a status she could have just taken into the bedroom with her that night? I'm sure you might think that I'm just being catty, that maybe I am envious of her youth and her "beautiful and sexy body". And it is true, if she had a personality and the emotional fortitude to match her body there might be good reason to be jealous. No, I am not jealous. I am disgusted. I am embarrassed for her mother, for her family, for her daughter. What kind of shit is that? "Something to start saving for", she posts. Saving what for??? Ahem!! Or did you forget? You're NOT working!! Your "wonderful husband" has only been at his job for 5 weeks, maybe?? There are several bets wagered about how long that will last too. You live with his parents. You have a warrent out for your arrest because you owe $$ for your child's health care expenses. A child you have pretty much deserted.  A child you have given up because you can't pass a piss test long enough to see her. This is why I can't stand to see you post the shit about "missing children" on your Facebook page. Does it occur to you that your child is missing you?!!??? You post crap about our "horrible government" all of the time and yet you are in search of a doctor who will qualify you as disabled so you can suck the funds off of it? Guns???? Just shut up! You couldn't hold up your end of a political argument for even 10 seconds. Get a life. Get off the drugs. Realize that your "wonderful husband" is even less wonderful than the last idiot you divorced and do something for yourself, Ms. Strong Girl. Oh, and as for the mourning of your older sister? (You think she'd be proud of you now?) How much attention did you pay her while she was alive? I'm just curious. How often did you visit her? How often did you call her or reach out to her? Huh? That's what I thought. You paid about as much attention to her while she was alive as you do to your own daughter and that ain't much!!! Quit posting the pictures of the pitbulls and the abandoned animals, be a real caring person and take care of the child and animals that "mean the world to you". Right? Right. Do it before you're begging for sympathy (and attention) because it's too late.
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