Form an opinion of your own Part Duex

May 10, 2012 22:02

I am absolutely disgusted by these facts:
  • She moved out of the marital home and in with Money and Dollar in December (handy... just before Christmas).
  • Left the pre-teen daughter in the home with the soon to be X husband who is an obnoxious, idiotic pig.
  • One of the conditions of living with Money and Dollar is that she can not be "using". (She's a drug addict.)
  • The first urine drop was conducted in May (5 months after moving in... I don't know why they waited so long unless they were afraid of the truth?). The results were positive. Wow. Knock me down with a feather. It's obvious by her Facebook posts. They're NOT the posts of a humble person. They're not the posts of a 30 year old lady who should be spending some time reflecting on the last 10 years of her life. They're not the posts of an unemployed, soon-to-be divorced, recovering drug addict who doesn't have custody of her daughter and is living with her parents. They're more like the posts of a party animal. Or a sex craved lunatic. They're the posts of a drug using addict. Someone in denial. Someone who's dug herself a deep, deep hole and isn't even thinking about trying to get out. Nice. 
  • She is supposedly looking for a nursing job... and that is going to work, how? I wonder. She's using. Plus she lost the last 3 nursing jobs she had (thank God others can see through her!)... I don't think she's gonna get a nursing job in this state anyway.
  • She stole her mothers pain killers and denies doing so. 52 of them. Not 1 or 2. Oh, BTW? It's the same type of drug she tested positive to. Yup.
  • The divorce cost her parents $5000.00. Allegedly because "there was so much property involved". Nope. She's the proud owner of a broken down Kuboda, maybe. She's destroying any chance she ever might have had of getting her daughter (see her facebook page) and she'll be lucky to not have to pay child support. ("Oh, obnoxious, idiotic pig says that he won't make me pay." Hmmmm I wonder if he still feels that way now that you're supposedly not giving him sex anymore.)
  • The judge told her to get a job. She's using.
  • She has a mini-van but it costs $1000 a month to insure it. I think she alleges this. I'd check it out if I was her parents... but they trusted her about not using too. She's using. She had 2 accidents due to previous using... still wonder why the premiums are so high?
  • She's using her parents truck. She's using.
  • Nice.
  • She went to Blue Man Group.
  • She's going to Puddle of Mud?
  • Not that I have problems with her going places.
  • But get a job? At least try to act like it bothers you a little bit to be such a freeloader?
  • Quit posting political shit on your facebook page. Did you even vote? Have ever even voted?? (I mean aside from in high school when you voted for prom queen or whatever.)
  • Quit repeating what others have said. Quit repeating what your parents have said. Quit trying to look smart. When you post shit like that it only makes you look stupid. Most of us know the truth (those who don't are either in denial or will learn it shortly if they bother to listen to you).
  • Dear girl. You don't smile a "toothy smile" because you don't have any teeth. And you don't have any teeth because you destroyed them with your drug abuse habit. It's the same reason you don't have a job, the same reason your parents can't afford insurance for your car, the same reason you don't have custody of your daughter, the same reason you stole from your mother, the same reason I don't trust you and the same reason your gonna run out of places to go and people to use unless you quit using.
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