
Oct 03, 2006 11:35

(1)从图书馆借的i claudius还没有看完,没什么意思,跟流水账似的。一个个传起来的小故事,说句公道话,有些还是挺有趣的,但大部分概念模糊,不是很清楚作者究竟想说什么。我一直想坚持把它看完,总觉得对不起amazon上的几百个书评……

(2)This one is called Can you keep a secret (by the author of the "Shopaholic" series, which I have successfully avoided, so far). It's a trashy novel, but I must say it's fairly entertaining. The heroin is someone most girls can identify with: has a dysfunctional family (or at least thinks she does), has a friend/cousin who she gets compared to on a regular basis, did okay in school (but was never the best), has an less than idea job/boyfriend, doesn't have stunning looks (well, not everyone can be a super model, plus, they look kind of scary off-runway), is slightly overweight, and is generally unsure about the future... The list could go on forever, but my point is that the heroin is just a average everyday kind of girl, and reading about her job/boyfriend problems can be very entertaining in a somewhat self-absorbed way (which, admit it, we all are, to a certain degree). And of course, the happily-ever-after ending. That is all good and well, but the problem is that the book starts to drag a little about half way through. Honestly, she keeps encountering the same problems and never seem to be able to solve them. And she just won't grow up (yes, I'm talking about the maturation of character here). Further, I understand that the books of this genre (i.e. trashy romance, wait, maybe all romance is trashy) tend to be heavy on the drama, but come on, there's only so much of suspension of disbelief one is capable of doing. Or perhaps she's got both God and the Devil bribed at the same time. How else could have those coincidences have happened? Or maybe she has super powers or something, like SailorMoon (in an ordinary-girl-just-waiting-for-something-amazing-to-happen-to-her kind of way). Ah, but I digress. My two pence: read it if it's free from your roommate (and you'll probably enjoy it), but don't even bother getting it from the library (not worth the hike).


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