1) What color is your bedroom door?
Brown. I hate it, but I have a set of hooks on my door that I hung my pretty scarves on, so I can't see it all the time.
2) Did you resolve your last big fight?
I can't remember the last time I had a real fight.
3) Are you a heart breaker?
I don't know how to even qualify that.
4) Is it ever too late to apologize?
5) Are you currently looking for a significant other?
6) Who was the last person who left your life and hurt you?
I've cut ties more than once, but not in recent years.
7) Do you think things will change in the next few months?
I don't know. I'm still looking for a job "in my field", whatever that means, in a nearly non-existent job market. Economic boom my ass.
8) Whats the last taste in your mouth?
9) Do you know any of your neighbors?
Not really. I know a few by face, and Josie (my apartment building's manager).
10) Have you been on any type of online messengers today?
11) About how many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Eight and some.
12) What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school? This question has been deemed unworthy.
13) List three things near you:
Coffee cup, cook book, and a postcard from a friend.
14) What was the last thing you watched on TV?
I haven't watched anything on TV since July, I think.
15) What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
16) DidWill you have a valentine for Valentine's Day?
I don't know. Probably not.
17) Ever ditched out on plans to do something better with someone else?
No. Not my style, and I know how it feels when others do it to me.
18) Is there snow on the ground where you are?
Some. Three inches, I'd guess. There are still bare patches, which is weird. Normally we'd have a few feet of snow by now, but I'm not gonna complain.
19) When's the last time someone of the opposite sex told you they miss you?
I don't want to remember that.
20) How many people know your deepest, darkest secret?
No one - I don't have a deepest, darkest secret.
21) You're trapped in a room for 3 days with the person you fell the hardest for, what happens?
That's my business and his, not yours... Holy nosy.
22) Do you like when people play with your hair?
Depends on who and context.
23) How was your day overall?
It's just getting started, but it will be looooooong.
24) What color is your hair?
Naturally? People call it light brown, which my stylist says isn't a real colour, so muddy blonde. By the bottle? A burgundy toned auburn. Suits me much better.
25) Is tanning your thing?
Nope. Never done it. I might try it some day, just so I can more justifiably, and severely, judge it.
26) Whats the last thing you "aw'd" at?
Adorable little kids at work who were playing with science.
27) Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
Continually? No.
28) Does the thought of marriage scare you?
29) What time did you wake up this morning?
8 am
30) How was your past weekend?
Do you mean traditional Saturday/Sunday weekends? I don't get those. I worked 11:30am-6:15pm last Saturday, and spent Sunday in a haze of pain.
Today, Saturday, I will work 2-10:30pm. Before that I need to do laundry, do some cleaning, wrap a wedding shower present, and pack my bag for an overnight trip. Tomorrow I need to be to the bus depot by 7am, so I can get my ticket to Saskatoon for the 8am bus, then at 11am, text
lomelindi to let her know she can come get me. We'll fill the time until her shower with fun. Fun will continue afterwards.
I will need to be at the bus depot Monday morning by 7:30 am to catch my 8am return. I'll roll into town at about 11, my parents may be in town, so we'll do lunch (if they are), and get some bare necessity groceries. Acupuncture from 1:30-3pm. After that, I'll try to make meals for the week. I have yoga from 7:30-9. I may text D after to see how his day off was. I'll be in bed by 10, I swear.
My weekends are kind of busy...
31) Would you like to learn the Russian language?
I've never thought about it, but maybe.
32) Do you have your crushes' name doodled on your notebooks? This question is ridiculous.
33) What's the first thing you'd do as a member of the opposite sex?
34) What are your favorite pair of jeans like?
Boot cut flare, mid-rise, soft denim.
35) How many times do you brush your hair in a day?
Depends on how I feel. Maybe once near the end of the day.
36) Are you a germaphobe, or know anyone who is one?
My immune system gets weaker the less I expose myself to germs, so no.
37) What is the strangest color of eyeliner you've seen someone wear?
38) Have you ever accidentally thought someone was a guy, but they were a girl? Or vice versa?
39) A kiss on the hand, or on the neck?
Depends on my mood.
40) Who do you sit next to in your English class?
Well, in my first year of university, more than ten years ago now, I sat next to
insanitycase in ENGL 100.
41) Do you miss the way things used to be?
Some things I do; most things I don't.
42) Have you ever kissed a brown haired, brown eyed person?
No, actually. How odd.
43) What is the last thing you took a picture of?
It was a sunset. A couple of weeks ago, on my walk home from work, by the old College Ave campus. Very pretty.
44) Are you fluent in any other language besides English?
No, although I could make a lot of money if I became fluent in French. Being bilingual in both national languages is fairly lucrative.
45) Do you think facial piercings are trashy?
I am indifferent to what other people do to their own bodies.
46) Do you regret something you did yesterday?
Not at all. Regrets hold you back.
47) How is your hair?
I've been up less than an hour and a half, and haven't had my morning shower yet. Bed head!
48) If the year consisted of only two seasons, which would you choose?
Spring and Autumn
49) If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?
I don't know who that is supposed to refer to...
50) If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
Only if I return the affection, otherwise I don't want to know.
bunney said it perfectly.
51) Are you wearing makeup?
52) Why are you doing this survey?
To take my mind off of how busy my "weekend" will be.
53) Who was your last missed call from?
54) Everyone deserves a second chance right?
55) Do you miss someone?
Not right now.
56) Do you ever stress out about what people think of you?
Not in the way this question means...
57) Do you drink coffee?
Very weak coffee, maybe a cup a day, or once every two days.
58) Did you go to sleep smiling last night?
I don't know, maybe.
59) Will this Sunday be a good one?
60) How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two under my head and one that I hug...
61) What are your initials?
62) What classes do you not pay attention in at all? Irrelevant.
63) Has a guy ever let you wear his jacket?
64) Do you enjoy wearing dresses?
Not really.
01. What book are you reading?
The Dragonbone Chair
02. What are you listening to?
Traffic on the street.
03. What are you wearing?
04. What are you drinking or eating?
Mocha and oatmeal
05. Who are you dating or crushing on? Ignored due to vapid silliness
06. Who are you talking to?
No one.
07. What mood are you in?
08. How is the weather outside?
-23C, sunny...ski pants weather.
09. What's the date and time?
Saturday 11 Feb 2012, 9:33am
10. What do you wish you were doing?
01. What is the last thing you did before this survey?
Turned on the computer.
02. Where was your last kiss?
In a car.
03. When is the last time you felt angry?
A couple of weeks ago.
04. What is the last purchase you made?
Chai latte from 7-11, after my Thursday evening acupuncture appointment.
05. Who were you last annoyed with?
06. What did you last have to eat?
Homemade lentil soup with dill and horse radish and ginger... sooooo good.
07. Who is the last male you talked to? Female?
Curtis, when I was leaving work. My mom, on the phone last night.
08. Where is the last place you hung out at?
My place. I had a friend over for pizza a little over a week ago. :)
09. When is the last time you got a work out?
Monday night.
10. What is the last make-up you used?
I don't remember.
This or That:
01. Playing a sport or watching a sport?
Depends on the sport.
02. Intelligence or beauty?
03. Reading a book or watching a movie?
Reading a book
04. Watching a movie or watching a tv show?
Watching a movie
05. Summer break or winter break?
There are no breaks. There is only work.
06. Bright colors or dark colors?
Depends on my mood, and if I'll be visiting with my parents. My dad has a fear of me wearing dark colours - it makes him worry about my mental health. *shrug* He has some strange ideas lol
07. Breakfast time or lunch time?
Lunch time - it's leisurely, either 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the length of my shift.
08. Going out for dinner or staying in?
Staying in
09. Fast food joint or take-out?
Take out
10. Healthy food or junk food?
Healthyish food.