Okay, so I'm on some weird pre-dos like thing at the moment. It's actually much less intuitive to use than the old '91 Samsung my parents used to have on the old Lotus Toolworks Disk Manager Operating System!
Jeff killed his hard drive last night, trying to convert a tonne of my mp3s to ogg vorbis format...and may have been helped along by my earlier attempts yesterday afternoon to get Adobe Flash standalone player to work on his Debian system(
themusicgod1: nah, it was a faulty hard disk at the end of it's days. That's why I had it in the first place.)
Okay, so he's convinced that it's not my fault and I am. We managed to avoid the topic all day by reading, talking about the verb "to parse", the origin of meaning and nuclear weapons. The last was most timely as I just finished reading Treasure of Kahn by Clive Cussler, and I ended up getting a new idea for the post-oil-economy/post-whatever/post-apocalyptic novel I was writing for the '06 NaNo. History has suddenly become a much more sinister place in my novel. o.O
I'm now contemplating reading Freakonomics which
themusicgod1 just finished, and recommends highly to me because it avoids calculus - which is my speed of economics (the only reason I'm not currently an economist, despite repeated attempts to be so, is the immunity calculus displays to my many attemtps to charm the numbers into cooperation). So, yay for theoretical and statistical economics...I may just have to give it a whirl - I need a break from fiction. I remember the Freakonomics blog fondly...
Now Links browser is freaking me out, as is the lack of a graphical user interface on this computer (perogie, not chthulhu), so I need to go. Meg, Nonny, Kev...don't look for me on Dofus in the near future...It won't work on a text-based interface, I'm sure!