Four Things

Sep 21, 2008 05:02

It's an email forward thingie info-about-people question-answer thingie I got forwarded from my sister-in-law. I figured I'd get more responses here. Because everyone knows how much I actually talk to people through email. :D

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. shitty job I had in middle school delivering newspapers
2. shitty job I had in high school as a receptionist at a church convent
3. shittiest job I ever had as a sales associate at Fashion Bug
4. my current, somewhat shitty job at a closed captioning company

Four movies that I would watch over and over again:
1. the original Star Wars trilogy
2. Cube
3. Transformers
4. Indiana Jones

Four places I have lived
1. Quasi-Bumfuck, western Pennsylvania

Four TV shows that I watch:
1. Supernatural
2. Stargate: Atlantis
3. Lost
4. Reaper

Four places I have been:
1. Niagara Falls, Canada
2. Orlando, Florida
3. Chicago, IL
4. Louisville, KY

Four of my favorite authors:
1. C.S. Friedman
2. Anne Bishop
3. William Gibson

Four of my favorite foods
1. fried cheese wontons
2. sushi
3. deli pickles
4. tuna

Four people I think will respond:
1. Nobody, because these things take time, and I am friends with a bunch of lazy bastards.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. getting a shower
2. going to bed
3. sleeping
4. sleeping more

Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. The year is almost over. I look forward to nothing. ...well, okay. That's not entirely true. There is that trip to the lake this weekend. But that's it. :)

Four of my Greatest Accomplishments: (in no particular order)
1. I can't think of any. Maybe I don't accomplish stuff?

Maybe this isn't the best time to do a survey like this?


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