TVD Season Finale

May 13, 2010 22:56

-Appropriately creepy beginning.

-I am surprised Jeremy defends Uncle John.

-Jeremy should go with Anna.

-Oooh I like the vial issue. I know this will be important later.

-I am digging her sirens song.

-I don't like Jeremy turning Anna down, I hope he changes his mind.

-That dress' color is so gross. Moldy-looking.

-Ew and Caroline's dress is also gross.

-Aw Matt and Tyler are still on the outs.

-I like that Jeremy giving Elena a hard time. But I'd have wanted more
ambivalence towards Anna's offer.

-LOL Civil War reenactments. DORKS.

-What the hell with those gross-ass dresses.

-Yay Elena not being all over Damon.


-WUT. He's thanking her. I don't believe you're being honest. Gah, I
don't trust Damon for a second. Though I think we're supposed to
believe him.

-I'm not fond of the faceless enemy in the tomb vampires. It makes me
feel Pearl was wasted. They should at least have kept Fred around if
they were going there.

-Oh hey, Anna. Mmm. The plot thickens. I'm not sure I believe her
alliance either.

-Damon all over period!Elena. I do like their interaction over Stefan.
Give me the OT3 or GTFO.

-Yay more of Jeremy giving her a hard time. About time.


-"You're going to kill her coz I hurt her feelings." WIN.

-Dick move, Damon.

-Dude, this wouldn't ingratient vampires to me if I were Jeremy.

-Though I like Damon's line about the do-gooder role.

-Ouch. That's interesting though, to think about Damon's resentment
especially considering how he's been "good" (as good as he gets) the
last episodes.

-I think the sherif is-WHAAAA

-John is such an asshole. How come she went down so fast? She's a cop.

-I knew Anna was not with them...or is she. So many schemers on this

-I want a high body count.


-Seriously, Tyler and Matt should patch things up, preferably over dead

-I love how Caroline gets in on things.

-Right mayor because that's not going to make them more curious.

-I wonder if Tyler is going to bite it. Matt would feel guilty.

-Anna should feed Jeremy her blood whether he likes it or not, just to
keep him safe. I'm thinking survival>ethics right about now.

-The build up is going quite well, thus far.


-She needs to start some vampire BBQ.

-You know, this is a good turn of events. *nods*

-LOL I think they just confirmed Tyler is a werewolf!

-Oh, no, ANNA!


-UGH Uncle John. Fucking assholes.

-They're catching on too fast about Bonnie. I'd have wanted to have
her tell them outright.

-So two people down one that is ~tragic and the other which I don't
care about.

-CAROLINE! What happened to her?

-I'm all =_= about Uncle John's speech.

-Oh the drama! What's Bonnie witching on Elena?

-Is she putting out the fire? Or woah, BBQ time?

-I want more of the Bonnie aftermath.

-Okay, I could do with less of the Stefan/Elena insecurities. *yawn*

-There's still a lot left so...hmm

- Ohhhhhh Jeremy.... HEARTBREAK.


-"Why are you telling me all this" This is a good exchange <3. The
thing is I'm not sure that Jeremy wasn't alone before Vicky. He just
made her out to be the solution to his problem.

-We're getting a lot of feelings!Damon here.

-What's going on with Caroline? Internal bleeding? Surgery? Noooooo.

-I knew Jeremy would drink the blood! Suicide. *sniff* What Elena
tried to pretend.

-So Bonnie saved their lives. Ha, she's calling the shots.

-Love it. She's ~laying down the law~ lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove

-Don't look at her all hard Stefan or you just might get broiled.

-*sigh* the Damon/Elena bonding. Feeble indeed. I kind of wish that
Jeremy would succeed and get picked up by Team Katherine.

-"Maybe it is" "Not it's reserved for my brother..." I'm liking this

-And if they could just keep it at the cheek kiss, but EW CLICHE

-o_o I hope Jenna embarrasses Elena by scolding her. One doesn't
expect much from Damon regardless of his new squishy feelings phase.
But Elena? That was a real make out.

-Total pushover. Parenting!fail Jenna.




Overall comments:

Probably the tightest episode all season I think. Everything fell into
place and left us with a good cookie trail for next season. I loved
Jeremy and Elena's issues come to a head. I thought the general plot
worked better than most others have, the more I think about it, the
more the vampire massacre here corresponds, despite the whole
facelessness thing. I guess I didn't not mind this new
sensitive!feelings!Damon, considering how things ended. Had it not been
for that then I would have had serious issues. I like the ballsyness
of having Jeremy go through with his suicide. I don't know whether it
will work (he has Anna's blood in him so maybe it'll happen), but I
think it spoke volumes about the futility of Elena trying to shelter
him. It seems like we cycle back again and again, so that this is
Vicky all over again. To add to that I loved the new dynamic between
Bonnie and the Salvatores in general. Hopefully her work as a
the law will mean much more participation from her next season.
Thinking back, it's so impressive how much we still have in this ep,
from the reveal of Tyler being a werewolf (I wonder where they're going
with that) to Caroline *lights candle*. Not to mention the most
ridiculous whammer of an ending with Katherine's appearance and her
going straight to business on Uncle John. MOAR MOAR MOAR.

It's a long hiatus, f'list.

Hold me.


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