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_profiterole_ July 26 2013, 20:10:46 UTC
What makes me think of Evangelion is mostly the neural connection (and for a telepathy addict like me, it's the most important part). I had so much love for Gunbuster (the first series; I never watched the second one because it seemed different and I was afraid of being disappointed), and yet I didn't think of it because I didn't remember they were in a giant robot, I just thought they were in a ship, but I've just watched pics online and it was definitely a giant robot.

The sword made me think of Power Rangers, except it's not in lots of parts in Power Rangers, and it kept haunting me until I realised yesterday that it reminded me of Renji's zanpakutou in Bleach. I might have seen it in other anime as well, because it feels like familiar imagery, but it frustrated me not to find a single example of it.


meiou_set July 26 2013, 20:55:47 UTC
I never watched the second Gunbuster either. I've read summaries and have a big WTF. Yeah Gunbuster is most def a giant robot, I will always remember when Noriko screams and rips off her shirt to take out some capacitor thingie. The only time when the bouncy boobs where actually plot relevant and badass (though I wish she'd had a sports bra or something -_-)

I totally geek out with the mindmeld as well. I want more fic exploring that part of canon. There's tons already but I can't get enough, I just hope fanon remains flexible since I like different takes. If everyone subscribes to one approach it'll quickly become boring.

The sword is everywhere. I'm sure it's in mecha anime I'm not thinking of at the moment, but I think it's also a general standard weapon thing in other genre like for example magical girl shows (think Haruka's sword and the sword Uten gets out from Anthy).


_profiterole_ July 26 2013, 21:51:34 UTC
I think what impressed me the most with Gunbuster was that they respected the fact that time works differently when you travel at light speed and they made the whole thing very tragic. ;__ ( ... )


meiou_set July 27 2013, 01:33:50 UTC
Any recs for Raleigh/Chuck (especially with Yancy/Raleigh, which is quick becoming one of my faves)? That's a minor pairing for for me, which means I won't search it out, but if there's good stuff out there I will read it.

I ship Mako/Raleigh, with qualifications. She's awesome, but I wish she'd done so much more--I felt like they had chemistry, but it was limited in the movie (by the end he was kind of just talking at her while in the Jaeger, I wish they'd given Rinko more lines, even if in Japanese). I want plotty fic where she's crazy competent and she and Raleigh have a more combative relationship, which is not to say I want them fighting or anything,I would like a give and take/push and pull kind of thing. That's what I want from all my ships.

Maybe I saw the sword thing that way because magical girl stuff is more my thing than mecha, haha.


_profiterole_ July 27 2013, 09:58:45 UTC
The Raleigh/Chuck & Yancy/Raleigh was here, and I'm not really on the kink meme, but I checked the first few pages and found this hot Raleigh/Chuck drifting fic.

I agree about Mako. She was a great character, but a bit shy for my personal taste.


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