[Oh my, another post with
music in the background.]
Who will believe my verses in time to come
If it were filled with your most high deserts?
Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tomb
Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say, "
Read more... )
[Cue the romantic sigh here.]
Yeah it--
S-Shakespeare's great.
[Zelda likes this sort of thing. Really. Besides, she knows him as the guy who stutters all the time, so it's nice to hear him say something so heartfelt without tripping over his tongue.]
[He thinks.]
I, uh, I found a book called 'Great Lines from Shakespeare.' It's not j-just, just sweet things like that, though.
[She pauses. He doesn't actually know who she is. Even though she has a suspicion that she knows at least of him.]
My name is Zelda. I am sure a name is more appropriate than a complete stranger asking to borrow literature from you.
I'm not, uh...I-I'm not done with it yet, but you can borrow it...or I could show you where I--I got it in the library? There's plenty of books on Shakespeare.
I would like that very, very much. Either, or, of course. I have been to the library, but I have not sought out this Shakespeare.
[Oh crap, should he warn her about his face? She sounds like a lady who appreciates nice things and probably doesn't appreciate not nice, scarred up things. Crap.]
Uhm, I...I-I should warn you, uhm...
I-I'm not...the nicest sight out there. My...my face isn't. I mean.
Please do not be so concerned. It would not be very diplomatic of me were I to judge based on appearance alone.
So sit tight, and I will be down there very shortly.
Right. Sorry
Se--see you soon.
[Herz goes to the first table in the library and waits.]
She's quick to make her way down a couple of decks to the library. Call it enthusiasm. Upon her arrival, she taps her chin thoughtfully. He was worried about being considered unsightly, but...
She doesn't see anyone like that.]
[OH GOD BE ZELDA It'd be so embarrassing if you weren't Zelda.]
She smiles somewhat shyly and offers him a very gentle wave.]
Yes. That is correct. And you are, kind sir?
[He bows a little and his braid falls over his shoulder.]
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