layout: vintage floral (flexible squares)

Oct 04, 2010 12:38


name: vintage floral
style: flexible squares
accounts: basic, plus and paid
browsers: firefox, chrome and safari
1. In Livejournal Style search for Flexible Squares. Apply "Blue Gray" theme. (technically, you could apply any Flexible Sqares theme, though.)
2. Scroll down to Page Setup and set Ad Placement to Vertical.
3. Go to Custom CSS and set all dropdown boxes to no. Then paste the code below into the Custom Stylesheet box:


vintage floral (flexible squares)
by billojeb @
metadata icons by


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background: #f8f1f7 url( fixed repeat;
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/* tiny icons */

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Feel free to change anything, just keep the credit somewhere in the profile/layout/wherever. :3 If you're having issues with the layout, comment here and I'll try my best to help you out. :)


.comm: layouts

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