Apr 03, 2007 10:43
It was so much fun! I'm just sad I'm not going to see CYC again until September (except Kiko, who is coming to the Oxford music scholarship open day, YAY) and even then, there will be loads of people gone off to Unis - Alex and Andi and Demi and... *sobs* I wish I could do the Prom concert, even though it's on my birthday, but that's the week of the Eton choral course I got on. So much for spending my birthday at home this year because HSSO starts on the 28th...
Anyway, Paris was amazing. I was one of the rowdy group at the back of the coach who pissed everyone else off after a while, which was a novel experience. And there was soooo much innuendo, oh my goodness. Sam having broken his foot when we were at the Albert Hall, by the end of the trip then the words "cruth" and "crotch" were completely interchangable, allowing for endless numbers of fun moments like "stop holding my crotch!" Yes. You thought my mind could get no dirtier? You were wrong. Mwahahahaha. Four days around Sam and Alex ... my mind is further in the gutter than it has ever been before. By the end of the week, words not to mention if you don't want general dirty-mindeness included; easy, hard, crutch/crotch, going in/out the rear/front entrance, going in/out the front door, going up/down, coming, the Eiffel tower, and anything which could be replied to by "Your Mum" or "That's not waht you said last night", and I'm sure there's more I can't remember just now. I'm still waiting for photos and videos - etermal remiders of times like singing the whole way through "Locus Iste" in a cafe, having avoided going to Flunch *shudder*, and Cathy poking her head through the door when we'd got to the last two bars and giving us a really weird look. Or about thirty of us standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower and calling "Peeeeteeer Twitchiiiiiin...." Or Sam doing a worryingly good impersonation of Frankenstein's monster during the caberet. Or the whole group doing "Penguins, Attention!" Or singing all the way through "little innocent lamb" and "daniel daniel" on the coach on the way back. Or singing "Don't stop me now" while waiting for the queues to get down from the Eiffel Tower. Or Sam and Alex turing "In estima sibilis est" into "here I lick you sib-er-ling's breast" (I'm not even going to get started on teh "Factus est" line.) And kirsty pointing out that she has a brother, and Alex wiggling his eyebrows at her. Or lovely conversations with Kiko on the way back about books, unis, life in general, and hair. At which point I was tired enough to say "I love brushing straight people's hair", rather than "I love brushing people's straight hair". Luckily Sam didn't hear. He also missed the time when someone said about getting through Customs that the French were really easy (we were interested in this at the time, because Tamsin had lost her passport), and I replied "the French are always easy!" He woke up when we started laughing, but he got distracte by the position of Demi's head in his lap.
I also managed to freak out Jamie quite effectively. Well, he iws 13, and goes to habs, and is generally annoying. And shared a room with Sam and Alex, poor boy, and was able to tell us the subconcious things Sam does in his sleep (including lying on top of Alex, apparently.)
It was fun.
Oh yes, and the singing was fun too. How many people can say that their first two concerts with a choir were in the Royal Ablert Hall and in Notre Dame? (Or noter dayme, as Cathy used to call it. She had stopped by the end of the week, due to the endless mocking.)