she goes to touch the testiclites and it goes like...

Apr 11, 2005 14:11

well, it's a day. so i figured i'd write in here.

i finally figured out the answer to white chocolate. girls are XX and guys are XY. X is the uniting factor but girls and guys are very different. so chocolate is good, and white chocolate is the fucked up XXY cousin. and now i can finally put that to rest.

i really want some goddaim pepsi blue. i've missed that stuff for so long, i'd trade organs for it. speaking of which, i have a lung and a kidney for sale. make an offer.

uuhhh...let's see...what else can i cover...yuan shao has a shitty sword...and if anyone knows how to unlock meng huo in dynasty warriors 4 i'd appreciate it. because i definitely beat him and his wife in a duel. but nothing. it makes me very sad. and it makes me even sadder that i'm talking about my dynasty warriors addiction here. someday i'll shut up. someday.

vacation is next week. anyone want to do anything?

How to make a Russell

3 parts intelligence

1 part brilliance

5 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of caring and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
now you all know my real name. Therefore, you must die? no.
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