2022-05-16 Where Was God In The Holocaust Rabbi Yossef Ben Porat - English.mp3

Jul 04, 2023 23:49

2022-05-16 - יום השואה - Where Was God In The Holocaust Rabbi Yossef Ben Porat - English.mp3

Good evening.

We are speaking on the subject. The subject of the Holocaust. Perhaps the hardest and most comprehensive subject in Judaism. It is hard because of the severity of the events that took place, and it is comprehensive. Very comprehensive, both in terms of the historical review that we need to make in order to understand these matters and in terms of the multitude of materials that from year to year. We see new shelves added to the bookshelf. The new studies books in different fields. And of course, this material includes many, many new revelations that are in many cases revolutionary. We shall try to examine only several points. Points that are less familiar. Unless discussed.

Give me the world. Shameless academe. What about in.

A book about the Holocaust by a researcher, a university lecturer named Boaz Noiman, published by Haifa University? He raises a very interesting point, which I haven't seen emphasized by other researchers on this subject. With the extermination of the Jews. And what occurred in the camps. Was an occurrence without precedence. And in many senses historically, not only in the enormous quantity of people, but first and foremost in the way it was done. Never in the history of mankind.


Mankind is satiated with wars. The First World War was a major trauma to the world. But everything was done.


In a war.

Germany emotionally.

Was the transition to the elimination of Jews in camps in an organized, sterile manner. Is the difference that marks. The murdered Jews, 6 million, perhaps more from all the other millions of victims for the Second World War brought death to around 50 million people in Europe of different nations. Germans alone were around 20 million Russians and others. But they were all killed during military activity that has been with us from the dawn of time around the world. The only ones who were slain.


This manner.

Are the Jews.

But this is well known to everyone. He raises here Newman a very interesting question. Who killed the Jews?


The Germans built a model. In which a German rarely made contact with a Jew. From their transport onwards, units were created that were called Sonderkommando. The role of the Sonderkommando was to lead the victim to the crematorium to make sure that he undresses while misleading him about the fate awaiting him. Have to sort his clothing and belongings to clean up the chamber and to prepare it for the arrival of the next victims, to pull golden teeth, to cut the hair of their bodies. Everything. Everything. They were recruited to this task from among the victims that arrived in the camp and were destroyed with the help of other victims who replaced them. In this system of extermination, it happened more than once that children were forced to handle the execution of their own parents. The Sonderkommando are the most striking example of the separation of contact between a murderer and his victim and of the conversion of the latter to an accessory to murder. The victim kills himself. Every one in their turn kills someone else. They created distance. The institution of Sonderkommando, rote, Primo Levi, was the most diabolical of all Nazi crimes as it represented the attempt to transfer to the victim the burden of guilt. Thus he was deprived prior to his death of his sole final comfort of being innocent. The victim kills himself. All contact between the Ss-sonderkommando and the SS were made solely by the Kapo in charge, who was also, of course, a Jew. And everything was planned this way in advance. So as not to overly corrupt the German character, not to confront it with blood, with horror, with children.

Little livery. Mein Kampf.

Yosef Sacher, a Sonderkommando survivor, claimed that he never spoke with a German in the camp. All orders were given by a Jew. Two other Jews from Jew to Jew until the end. And something even worse happened here. Even harder. Could see the form of death. They tested many methods until they reached that famous system of the gas chambers. A which from the moment the gas chamber door was closed. Listen carefully. How horrible. How monstrous it.


What a struggle for life took place there. The effect of the gas that was inserted into the chamber in cans. Those who visited the camps saw how it was built. There was a kind of window through which the can was thrown and the chamber was closed. Was from the bottom up. Gas is heavier than air. It starts from the bottom, from the floor and rises.


The victim fought for the last minutes of his life by trying to reach a higher position to catch some air.

What about the other victims?

His fight was not against the murderer. But against another victim. Thus, it was described by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a captive doctor who was compelled to make autopsies for the victims. The victims did not lie along the walls, one on top of the other.

It can.

The victims were forced to step on one another in a mad attempt to escape the gas. Nonetheless, the gas still caught up with them up above What a struggle for life took place there. If they could only consider their acts, they would realize that they were trampling their children, their wives and their relatives. He noticed the doctor. Their moves were nothing but the reflexes of the survival instinct. I noticed that the bodies of the women, children and elderly were at the bottom of the pile. Upwards were the stronger realize how far it went. It's not only did the victims kill themselves.


Within this final cage, within this chamber, instinctively by reflex, one climbed on top of the other. The stronger one's on top of the weaker one's. Everyone died. But even during these last twitches, some were forced to act worse than animals. No, no. It was unprecedented. Anywhere in the world.

Animals can. Drama.

Indeed the apex. When the Torah describes.


Events that are supposed to occur during times of destruction, whether in the time of the first temple, the second temple mothers eating their offspring. This describes a struggle. And so it happened at the time of the first and second temples. A struggle of one against another. And not just any struggle. Mothers against their own offspring. He describes here this person who worked in the camps, this doctor, what he saw. People were pushed through a system. How did Ka-tzetnik put it? Another planet. There was a man, a writer, who described the greatest horrors he went through and experienced. Ka-tzetnik. That was his pseudonym. Ka-tzetnik.

Mr. Kumar. Abimael Simha.

Much was written.


All that.


To this process. And naturally, here too, there are many perspectives.

Is it good for?

I turned to the source. To Hitler himself. May his name be erased. To his famous book that was translated to Hebrew. Mein Kampf. My Struggle. That was published in two editions.


He described the plan. His vision against the Jews. And it is.


What motivated him. He writes it. We will soon identify its progress. And it also appeared in a documentary publication on the Holocaust published by Yad Vashem. The translations from the book.


Hitler contends the following thing There is something.


Endangers, strongly endangers Germany, endangers all of you Germans. And what is it? Ever shall the Jews have taken over the Soviet Union, Russia and turned it into the Soviet Union. The Jews killed. So he writes. 30 million Russians. In the revolution. He exaggerates the number, but it doesn't matter. They eliminated the entire Russian elite, leaving a primitive people.


That they, the Jews, can rule over them. They made the revolution. They want to make a revolution in the entire world. Those of you who know it's called the Communist International.


Of the World unite. This is the main motto of Mein Kampf. The country next in line after Russia is Germany. And indeed, there was a period of communist rule, a brief rule in Germany. During that era. And then he writes, They went to eliminate you. The system is to eliminate in every country, in every land, the elite. And then the Jews can rule the entire world. We all know who made the revolution in Russia. Lenin was the figurehead. But those who see the picture of the first Politburo can see it all. The KGB in its former name, the NKVD. The entire system was established by Jews. The whole domination in of.


Was done by Trotsky, the secretary of war, a genius and absolutely ruthless. Ruthless. Estranged from his Judaism and from the.

Jews and.

Abused Russians. Yes, gentlemen, he saw this. He presented it. They accepted it. It was a proven thing. During that short domination. Of the communists in Germany when they started with executions. They quickly began the same system of elimination, like in Russia. There were the Jews in the highest echelons of communism in Germany. But if we look back, there is the research of Moshe Zimmermann, Wilhelm Marr, the patriarch of anti-Semitism. Perhaps you've heard of Wilhelm Mayer, one of the fathers. He coined the word anti-Semitism. Anti-semite. Wilhelm Meyer.


And there he speaks loud and clear. And I can show you all the principles of modern antisemitism. On the Jewish domination over German life. While completely forcing the Germans out. I will read a few lines. The free Daily Press is close to us. You knew how to make it your monopoly? Yes. Holy freedom itself became a Jewish monopoly. And he sets out here unequivocally. And so it was. Given that the Jews have taken over all journalism, theatre, lawyers, business. Banks, everything. And then Meyer turns Wilhelm Meyer and says, We too would like some equal rights. Emancipation. This was the motto for everyone, for stalker, for tragic. For all of them.

If you.

Our blessed sages have taught us. When you are in exile.

When you are.

Among the Gentiles, don't push. Don't press.


Certainly don't control them. You must absolutely not try to rise above them. You're an exile. The ghetto. Writes Dr. Nahum Goldmann. The Jewish ghetto was created by the Jews, not by the Gentiles. Wherever the Jews arrived, they strove to remain secluded, isolated. The first ghetto was established by Jacob, our ancestor. When he arrived in Egypt, he told Pharaoh, I wish to reside in the land of Goshen, far from the eye and far from the heart. Not near the palace, not near the aristocracy alone. That has always been the path followed by Jews in the East and West alike throughout our history. For a Jew needs his area. His synagogue, his mikveh, his kosher grocery store. His modesty. But first and foremost, not to stick out.

Thus, he.

Maintains his sanctity and his purity.

Women are seemly youth.

The Gentile doesn't see him as a competitor, but as one who helps him develop the economy. The Jews develop the economy all over the world, from Espana, Spain to Poland, and of course, Germany, until the Jews started to pull Germany up by the bootstraps. It was a very decadent country. But. Keep things in.


When the process of emancipation began. Equal rights. You should know, gentlemen. You've learned about it in history. I'll show you another view. Ambition and war and equal rights. All of the great Torah scholars opposed emancipation. Opposed equal rights.

This isn't.

Our country. This isn't our.


We don't want equal rights.

Gwen Kagawa, Germany.

This is all written. I'm not making it up. We want to remain a part. This same emancipation foresaw, the scholars of Israel is the opening to assimilation. To enter marriage. We've already experienced this in the Egyptian exile that I mentioned earlier. We read in the Haggadah. We read in Exodus. And Joseph died and all his brothers and all that generation. And the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied and the land was filled with them. They began to integrate and assimilate into the Egyptian society. They began to worship idolatry, says the prophet Ezekiel. They stopped circumcising their sons.

And what.

Happened next? The same hatred began of enslavement that became torture and abuse that became let us deal wisely with them to the Wannsee Conference in Egypt. Thatrillionesulted in every son born should be thrown into the Nile. The elimination of the Jewish people. Yes, that is what we read in the Haggadah. Lest they outnumber us. The same process. And when there is war, they will fight against us and drive us from the land. The Jews have taken over. They occupy all the high positions. They are wiser, more vibrant, more aggressive than us. They rule the roost. Are in opposition. Cut to what Jacob wanted. The land of Goshen. As soon as they began to enter the social strata of the Egyptian population, says the Book of Psalms, he turned their heart to hate his people. In the book of Leviticus in the Parashah Kedoshim, it says, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own. The nation of Israel must be separate. Otherwise, there is no point to its existence.

Bahama Bay, Iggy Azalea, Iggy Azalea.

And Rashi says, in that place, if you are set apart, you are mine. If not, you are Nebuchadnezzar and his fellows. And what pleasure do I have from you? Well, the same thing that happened in Egypt 3500 years ago. Repeated itself in different versions in Assyria, in Babylonia and everywhere else.

And as.

One of the most famous exiles of Spain writes.


The year of 1492. Joseph Javits. I shall be a slanderer and a revealer of secrets. And I will tell you the cause of that exile. Deportation. Expulsion. When on the ninth of AV 1492. 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain. To 200,000 converted to Christianity on that day. For they did not want to leave. They wished to continue to enjoy the pleasures of life.


Thus, Yavetz writes, We arrived here in Spain.

When the.

500 years ago.


Downtrodden from the exile in Babylon, lacking the language, lacking property. Gradually we made progress. Slowly, slowly, we rose established centers of Torah. We started making a good living. Began to put Spain on the map. Before that, Spain was just another out of the way place underdeveloped. God was our help, says Yavetz. Regarding that.


And we succeeded. In all fields. History marks this as the golden age of Spanish Jewry in all fields. But. By the end of that era. Those same successful Jews. Began to assimilate. God raised against us. The ruling.


Queen Isabella. King Ferdinand. And they expelled us. And thus it was in Portugal. You know, In other words, the pattern repeats itself. The Jew arrives, cut off. Poor. Miserable. Observant of his religious tradition. Thus it is described in the book Mesha Chokhmah. Written in the first part of the 20th century. By Rabbi Meir Simha Cohen from Dvinsk. When no one even dreamed of a Holocaust. By the way, in the beginning of the century, there was no anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitism I am describing is the anti-Semitism of the late 19th century. In the beginning of the 20th century, there was no anti-Semitism in Germany, it came in waves. That period is called in history, the period of self-hatred. The era of self-hatred is the period when Jews wrote against themselves things that were worse than those written by their worst enemies. This is what it's called in history. Thus writes. Monsieur Chochmah. Rabbi Meir Simhah. Everywhere we came, he says. We were initially content with ourselves, with our faith, with our God.

We made progress.

And then follows a time, a period when we are already in and want to start assimilating. And today, they say.

He writes.

That Berlin is Jerusalem.


You all know.


The reform movement that was established early in the 19th century, in 1805, erased from the Siddur Jerusalem and the land of Israel. Change the language from Hebrew to German. And in America the English and called their place of worship temples. Temple means the Holy Temple. And said Frankfurt is Jerusalem. Berlin is Jerusalem. This is the Holy Temple. The Holy Temple will never rise again. We will never return to the land of Israel or Jerusalem. It's a ruthless fantasy. So he writes and you are all familiar with it. But then he says, Rabi Marasimha. In a short while there will come a storm that will uproot you with your roots and will prove to you that Jerusalem is Jerusalem and Berlin will never be Jerusalem. For so, it has happened every time before him. Indeed.

Jimmy minutely.

It is yet too early to discern, but I have all the proof. As soon as the Jews received emancipation in a short time, huge parts of Berlin properties became theirs. Lawyers, Judges. Everything. Economists. In a short period. And against the instruction of the Torah. And you have certainly heard of Moses Mendelssohn, who was called the father of the Enlightenment. All of his daughters became Christians. And married gentes. His son did not convert, but a son baptized the grandson. The famous composer Mendelssohn.


For whom the envy.




Wagner to write his famous.


That always leads to arguments. Yes. Wagner. No. Wagner? Yes. Concerts? No. Concerts. The entire anti-Semitic book. A Wagner is aimed personally against Mendelssohn.

You didn't know. Well.

That is a certain development took place.



She mainly admired.

A certain development that led, as our sages warned. Published in papers, spoken at lectures. And if you like, I can give you more proof. That everyone with eyes in his head.


Have seen it. At the beginning of his career, when Hitler cursed, his memory rose to power. On April 1st, 1933, I read to you from the book The Holocaust in documents by Yad Vashem. The authentic document that was translated into Hebrew. It is called Organization of the Boycott of April 1st, 1933, Instructions of the National Socialist Party.


This instruction all across Germany on April 1st to boycott all Jewish stores. At the entrance to every shop, the two Gestapo agents ss. And warned that no one should enter the store, but under no circumstances to hurt the Jews. Those were the instructions. Not to the store, not to the salesman and economic boycott. Until when? Until further notice. Why? The boycott was a step in defence of German labour. No one spoke then of murders. Of killings.

Simple things.

The boycott.


I read to you from this. The boycott will start suddenly on Saturday, on April 1st at 10 a.m..

It will.

Continue until the party leadership orders its cancellation. The boycott was total in all of Germany. Not a single German violated the boycott. And on the other hand, no sabotage. No violence, as befits.


Noble German son. It happened.

The ghetto.

Paragraph 11, The action committees are responsible for ensuring that this entire struggle is carried out in complete calm and with absolute discipline. Also, in the future, do not harm a single hair on a Jew's head. Thus it.


The boycott was very successful. On the next day, they.


The boycott is over. The experiment. How did they call it? The instrument testing succeeded. What were they supposed to see? And why do it on Saturday? Precisely. The rabbis told them, Gentlemen, if you do not wish to keep the Sabbath, the Gentile will show you. Take the hint. Below. There is a judgment and there is a judge.

And now you get the money.

Would you like to see something else? I'll show you.


Among the first laws were the Nuremberg laws that you all know. The Nuremberg Laws. What did the Nuremberg Laws say? Every great nation wishes to assimilate the small nations to make them disappear. And that's what occurred. Very few Jews remained in greater Germany. Who did not assimilate. Come the Nuremberg laws and say this It is forbidden to any Jew to marry a Gentile and naturally vice versa. This was called the law for the Protection of German Blood and German honour. September 15th, 1939.

But. Two German Jews.

Are not permitted to employ in their households citizens of German blood who are under 45 years of age. Do you hear? Not only to marry, but no Jewish man or Jewish family was allowed to have a German woman in their home.


What was written in the genre they wrote in the Nuremberg Laws. Excuse me. What's this onslaught on the Nuremberg laws? They didn't say to hurt Jews. God forbid, or to take their money. Here's the citation. Here's the entire law, the famous Nuremberg laws that they call the race laws. Simply sorry you were misled at school. Me too. Do you know what the race laws of Nuremberg are? That it's forbidden for a German to marry a Jew and a Jew with a German woman. These laws are also written in the Torah. So true. There was once a judge in the Supreme Court who reached the position of the court's vice president, who said that the Torah is the Nuremberg Laws. Yes. Perhaps some of you know to whom I refer. This is the whole law. Nothing less. Nothing more. Here, signed by the Führer, Ministry of Interior Affairs, the acting officer. Everyone is.


It doesn't include any laws of oppression.

Paper. Professor Yaakov Katz.

He turned their heart to hate his people. We do not want you to assimilate with us. This is what the Book of Psalms says.

You can abort.

If you try to approach the Gentile. He'll give you a kick. The force of the kick will.

Be in.

Reverse proportion to the force of the approach. If you only approach lightly a small kick. Approach closely. A big.


If not, there would be no Jewish people.

Awful because.

God chose the nation of Israel.


Informed us in the Bible that even if the stars fall, even if the cosmos collapses, the nation of Israel will.

Remain. He swore.

And God repeated in the written law in a clear way. Not through acronyms, not through Gematria. Black on white.

The mean.

If you follow my laws, if you will be mine, I'll be yours till the end. No one will harm you. I will protect you. But. But if you try to join with the Gentiles. Open, please. The book of Deuteronomy Parashat Ki Tavo. 98 different curses will fall on your heads precisely until you are finished. Until you are frightened by every falling leaf.

Well, I've checked it.

For many long years. I've studied it, and I still do. They've all come true. And now listen carefully. There is. Maybe. Maybe. A question that you all know. Very famous. Where was God during the Holocaust? Excuse me? He was there for exactly what he wrote in the Torah is what happened. He wrote this in advance. He wrote that, this and this. And this is what will happen. A general rehearsal. A dress rehearsal. There also was in the book of Ezekiel. It says, the first destruction, the Babylonian exile in Babylon. The Jews said, Let us become like all the Gentiles. Let's assimilate. Desperate, broken, pulverized. The temple, ruined the nation. Exiled, Humiliated. Where was God when the temple was destroyed? He left us. Let's leave him and assimilate. Thus describes the Prophet Ezekiel. The feelings of rage and frustration. And God sent Ezekiel to tell them thus. And that which enters your mind. House of Israel. That which enters your mind that the house of Israel is like all the nations will not be. For with a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out, will I rule over you? In plain English, I will put down the rebellion. Like like in every country in the world. Against Lincoln. Half of America rebelled at the time. You know what the slaves, when he released them, The famous Civil War. Lincoln put down the. He was known as a humanist. It's a fact. He freed the slaves. He suppressed the rebellion with blood and sulfur, like anywhere in the world. And then perhaps you'll recall just then we had McGill's Esther. Then after the Jews, following the Feast of Achashverosh, began to integrate in Persian society. Are you in the international arena? Rose That great amalekite Hitler's grandfather, and received the stamp to destroy, kill and eliminate children, the elderly and women alike in a single day. It really happened. The final solution for the Jewish people. It really happened.

Let's come.

And we read. Not so long ago, McGill assessed what was the formula that saved them.

I mean.

What was the formula? Enough. It was already a done deal. There was no Security Council. They also didn't help. No un nothing. Barneveld Achashverosh ruled the whole world. And Hamon was the prime minister until Esther said, Let's repent. Gather all the Jews in Susa, the capital. I'm not making this up.


Géza fast for three days. And what happened next? You all know. What happened next, You all know. When the Nuremberg Laws were published. Who was sacked by them. The Orthodox know, the believers know it's forbidden for a Jew to marry a Gentile. Terrific. All those assimilated Jews, the toiled for a hundred years to gain the privilege of marrying non-Jews freely. Suddenly it's forbidden to us. Do you know what kind of outrage there was against Hitler for banning the recruitment of Jews to the German army?

Hibat Allah.

You have no.


An order was published forbidding the enlistment of Jews to the Wehrmacht. Here, I'll read to you. The National Deputation of German Jews. March 23rd, 1935. The Government of the Reich, published on March 16th. The law for the establishment of the.

Wehrmacht and.

It's forbidden to enlist Jews. 12,000 Jews sacrificed their lives.


Germany during World War One, and now despite that, they're not willing to take us into the Army. Do you see what went on? Jews fighting for their right to be part of the German army. Here is the letter from the Committee of Congregations. While religious Jews were happy. Very happy. What do we have to do with them? What? But they always look for ways of avoiding the Gentile army. No part of the country. Look at things the way they are. Part of the country. So you make a law that forbids me from marrying a German. Where's personal liberty?

Who are you, sir?

Emerged after the Kristallnacht.


Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, one of the greatest disciples of the SKM, and published articles in all the newspapers.


Said, Gentlemen. The strong hand you have witnessed, the outstretched arm you have also witnessed. Are you now waiting to see the port outrage?

Even though.

So isn't it time that you realize that this is the hand of God? The Jew who strove to get rid of his tefillin, to toss away his tzitzis, to cut off his beard and pass to appear like a Gentile was suddenly told to wear a yellow patch. You are a Jew and will remain so if you no longer wish to wear Tzitzis. Wear yellow patch. It won't help you.

If you.

Refuse to take pride in your Jewishness. Still, you will remain a Jew.


Pay attention. It is contrary. To anything ever done by nations around the world. When a big nation tried to swallow a small one.

The other. It'll be.

The biggest shock for me was when I read in the book. Of this cursed Hitler. You know the argument. The reformists claimed that Judaism is a religion, not a nationality. Thus, the reformists were the greatest enemies of Zionism. For Zionism contended that Judaism was a nationality, not a religion. It's an issue of what they call double loyalty. Thus, the reformists claimed that they were a religion.

The Jews.

And they were ruling all of Germany. The Jews.

As Hitler.


How can.

Judaism be a faith.


Don't even believe in life after death. They don't even believe in God. So how can they be a religion?

It's not.

A religion. You're familiar with the notion of a German of mosaic faith. A Frenchman of mosaic faith. I will read to you this sentence.

You cannot.

Define a religious faith that does not acknowledge the immortality of the soul in some.

Form. With Molotov-Ribbentrop.

How can there be Jewish atheistic parties?

Quantum break.

In other words, you are not a religion but a nationality. Nationality. Get out of here. Don't rule over us. The reformists created the phrase German of Jewish faith in order to gain legitimacy. You can be Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and also a Jew. It's a religion, not a nation. Well, I see you're not religious.

Excuse me.

What kind of religion doesn't believe in the immortality of the soul? That doesn't believe in God.

Utsava Agomani, muttered a general, namely Karna.

Those fathers of modern anti-Semitism, right, in the mid 19th century. You. Jews have ruined our culture. You've taught our youth not to believe in God. You've taught our youth to live promiscuously without morality. It's against our nature. Who are you to undermine our culture?

And this.

In fact, is what Wagner writes in his famous.


I confess to you now, unequivocally, I read Wagner's book Word for Word, with all the commotion it evoked. He doesn'trillionight a single word against the Jews. Not one word. He writes and attacks in a rage. Jews who are trying to impersonate Germans. And they're trying to be German cultural figures, poets and mainly composers and are destroying German culture from within. For this is what he writes. You were a Jew. Stay a Jew. Even if you convert your religion, Even if you abandon your faith. You have a Jewish mentality, a Jewish character, and this is what you are. If you play it like that, no problem.

We note everything he.

Writes about the Orthodox. I don't like them, but I'm not afraid of them. But the reformists I am afraid of and those who have converted their religion I fear the most because they're camouflaged. This is what he writes. You, Mendelssohn, you converted. You were a Jew. Stay. A Jew. My problem with you, Wagnerites, is that you wish to make German music and that you'll never manage to do because you don't have German pride. For us, it is pride to kill. Yes. Only this. And you Jews are merciful. So what do you want from us?

This is a.

Cultural struggle.

For some of the local and I.

Will separate you from the nations to be mine. So long as we were the people of God. The Gentiles envied us. The Gentiles learned from us. Where did they learn Christianity? Where did they take all their culture in the dark? Middle Ages. 80% of medical literature in the world.


Written in Hebrew. Hebrew. Hebrew. Listen carefully. The international language of doctors was Hebrew in square letters.


Zelaya's. Who wrote the first book of Anatomy in Modern.


In 1640. The book is written in Latin, but in.


The terms are written in Hebrew, in square letters, the way they used to write in brackets, in English or in German.


Sometimes Latin. The Jewish people, when they keep their faith, their self-respect and identity, gain the full support of God all the way. Superior to all other nations. I was once.

Asked by.

Someone who really went through the Holocaust. Tell me, where was God? I asked him. Wait. Before the Holocaust, did you believe in God? He said, In truth, no. I was a Marxist socialist. I said, Well, if he didn't exist before the Holocaust, he didn't exist during the Holocaust. Why do you ask where he was? What did the children do? They took rocks and started to throw them at their father on his head. Rocks. What could he do? There were too many of them, so we ran away from the home. He ran away from home. And the wolf came. The lion came. A robber came, the underworld came. A sadist came. Broke their bones, killed them, tortured them. Later they cried. Daddy, where did you go? How could you let a sadist in? A criminal. A murderer. A lion. A snake. He says, Dear children, you drove me out of the house. You threw rocks at me. What was I supposed to do?

Who were the.

Ones who ask, Where was God? The same ones who don't believe in him. The ones who have done and still do. Anything. To prevent their father from coming home. Daddy that established the people, nurtured it and kept it alive for 3500 years. You ask where he's been? Have a little common sense. I don't speak of faith or fanaticism. You don't believe in God? No problem. So why are you asking where he was?

On the contrary. Take a.

Look at what God.


If you banish me, you'll pay a great price. And I will surely hide my face from them on that day and they will be consumed. If I'm not there, all the wolves will eat you, plain and simple. He said, I'll hide my face. You don't want me. No problem. I won't be there. If I'm not there, all the defilement, all wickedness will emerge. But I'll have nothing to fear. But the verse in the Torah says. Then all the nations of the world will see that you were called by the name of God, and they will fear you. Be in awe of you. Being of you. And true, they ask you weren't there Jews that were religious Hasidim? Tzaddikim. True? Of course they were. Of course. But who are the majority? Who are the majority? There is clear and unequivocal proof.


Graph like this between the world wars from World War one until World War Two, an ascent like this. Kovner, a famous city in Torah and observance. In 1938. Almost everyone went to work on Saturday by bus.

No new.

And wherever you look. You can get the unequivocal data from the school system. In Poland, in Germany, in Austria, everywhere. I have it all. And not for the first time. Roughshark Zator.


15 years ago, on a stage in front of thousands and thousands of people, it appeared as a headline in the papers after he said, I'm warning you, take note. A Jew over 95 years old, is standing here. I'm telling you that there will be another Holocaust. Take note. The rabbis rose and claimed for 150 years you laughed, despised, scorned, impossible. But it happened. We are sitting on a barrel of gunpowder, he said with a timer attached. And it's ticking. When will it ring? I don't know. Even then, we didn't know. We just knew it was a bomb. Even a police sapper that arrives to neutralize a bomb. He doesn't know when he hears click, click, click, click sees the wire attached. He knows that it's a bomb. He's fighting a struggle against time. That's what Roughshark.


But that's what they said 200 years before the Holocaust. Excuse me. It wasn't a surprise. Thus said one of the great sages of our generation, Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner, when asked in an interview for the Jewish Press. Does the Orthodox Jewish world accept the term Holocaust? He said no. We call it the destruction of European Jewry. The difference between the two terms is that in Hebrew, the word Shoah is something unexpected. Unknowable. Unforeseeable boom. A hurricane destruction is a gradual process. You see cracks in the house and the engineer says, listen, if you don't fix it, it will fall in another year. In four years, you know, it crumbles bit by bit. Rabbi Hutner says it was foreseen. It's a scenario that's already happened several times. Destruction. Hard, intense, awful. Like never seen before, but not unforeseeable. There are formulas. When the same as an engineer of physics, chemistry or construction can give you the formula. When the TNT will explode, when the building will collapse, when the water tank will burst. If it contains a certain quantity of water and certain atmospheres of pressure. There are laws of physics. There are also laws in the world. Los. I'll read to you from the book. By Rosenbaum. A very famous book that has been translated into many languages explaining Hitler, The Search for the Origins of Evil. On page 32. The brief and bloody appearance of the tough Bolshevik regime in Munich that rose after the social democratic regime of Eisner, who was assassinated, in which Jewish leaders were also prominent.

This short lived Bolshevik regime became notorious for the summary execution of some prominent right wing nationalists. Who financed the birth of what was to become the Nazi Party. All these drove Lucas to claim that it is possible, at least that what formed and turned the Hitler, the seed of Hitler as a warmonger. Was that winter. Let's go back. Marx said. If you only knew the anti-Semitic statements of Marx were unprecedented. Kafka. Franz Kafka went through many upheavals in his life. There is a well known letter that they found among his possessions. During that period of self-hatred. Where he writes. I hate my mere existence as a Jew. I hate all the Jews in the world. If I could write Kafka. I'd lock all the Jews in a drawer like mice and close the drawer until they all suffocated. Open it a little to see if there were any left and then close it all together. Years later. He underwent a reversal. And Kafka writes, I don't know what I am. I'm not a Jew, but I'm also not a German. His father baptized him to Christianity when he was a child. I feel, says Kafka, like a horse standing on his hind legs and not knowing where to put his front ones. In a later letter, he writes. Do you know who I'm jealous of? A Jewish boy in Warsaw with pious.

At least he knows who he is. This is what Kafka writes. He at least knows who he is. I don't know what I am. Into this whirlpool were sucked. Three generations of people. Or two generations of people. The German foreign Minister, Rathenau, during World War One. Was a hater of Judaism and Jews second to none. He was supposed to be more German than a German. So what? They didn't kill him. They didn't accuse him that it was he who stabbed a knife in the back of the German people when the treaty of humiliation after World War One. So what if you wanted to assimilate? You were accepted. This is how they knocked on the doors of fourth generation Germans, Germans, Christians, Protestants. They told them. Rose, you are Jewish. And he tells them, Sorry, there must be a mistake. I'm a pure German. You're confusing me with someone else. No, he says my mother's German. Also my father. No, sorry. And the Ministry of Interior. We found out that four generations ago you were Jewish. And they were taken to camps. And a great, great portion of them committed suicide. Just from the humiliation. It was not even known they were going to be killed. They hadn't even thought of killing. They hadn't come up with the final solution yet. But it was a shattered dream. That generation, those people who bowed to German culture, part of the German nation.

And now they're making them Jews. A book was found in the ground of the Terezin ghetto. It was written by a man. Who lived in the ghetto and went through changes in the ghetto. For those of you who don't know, Terezin State was a ghetto for tourists. It was a ghetto in beautiful condition. And when journalists asked, we heard there's a ghetto, a concentration camp. They said, Oh, nonsense, It's a recuperation center. The ghetto, you know. It was a bluff. An optical illusion. He went through an internal process. The book was published. It was found as a handwritten document inside a sealed bottle buried deep in the soil there during excavations. He didn't know anything before about Judaism, but in time he made a little progress. And he relates the following The ghetto was divided in two between the assimilated, who inside the ghetto continued to lick the Germans boots, refused to speak Hebrew, refused to circumcise their sons, and said we were Germans and will die Germans. And between the group of Zionists. Who kept circumcision, spoke Hebrew and said, we'll die. But at least as Jews religious, we're not there at all. But at least some were proud to be Jewish. But these weren't inside the ghetto. Among them, the brother of Rathenow. The foreign minister. There were Germans and they were die Germans. You hear this? And those who couldn't committed suicide.

And by the way, it was a crime in the concentration camp to commit suicide. Those who were caught attempting suicide received a very severe punishment in the concentration camp. It was against the rules to commit suicide. They didn't agree that you would do it yourself. They would do it. They would decide when you die, what you're going to decide when to die. You would decide nothing for yourself. It's a fact. For You have chosen us from all the nations. So he chose us. For what? So we could be like the French, the Italians, the Mongols, the Polish, the Germans. You don't need us to be like them. There are 70 other nations in the world. So what? God, so to speak, gives us a warning shot. When did anti-Semitism start? The modern kind. After the Jews began to assimilate in Germany early in the 19th century. I told you before. I simply don't want to overload you with names and facts. Our entire family perished in the Holocaust. My father didn't even have one cousin that survived. The family was widespread, and he he saw his father. The entire village burnt to ashes. I. I have studied this and studied it to this day. What happened? And why it happened. I toured the new Yad Vashem. They invested $40 million. Amazing. Amazing. I looked for only one question and I couldn't find it. Why was there a Holocaust? It wasn't written.

And they'll never say. You have chosen us from all of the nations. And I have separated you from the nations to be mine. If you will remember that in 1819. There were what history calls the Hep-hep riots. Hertzel writes in his diary. Then when he was a student in Vienna, some students shouted at him Hep hep. And he challenged them to a duel. What does hep Hep mean? Until this day, there are different opinions. Professor Yaakov Katz conducted an entire research into it and contends that it's a derogatory call to pigs. It doesn't matter. So what happened? It was a very famous event in history. They called it the first pogrom in the modern era. Professor Katz researched the issue and wrote a whole paper on it, and he got to the bottom of it. It seems that in Germany, in some town, some Jewish boys came to a coffee house to sit with gentile girls. The German boys told them, We won't let you chat up the German women. Get out of here. Go where the Jews are. The Jews answered. What do you mean? We have emancipation? We'll sit where we like in the café with German girls. And you won't disturb us. Well. Well, the Germans grabbed sticks, started breaking their bones. They fled to their homes. They chased after them, smashed the windows. They ran from house to house, and it spread like wildfire in 26 cities.

Hep hep.

Do you see what it was all about? What was it about? I have set you apart from the nations. Warning shots. It's written explicitly. Without embellishment. One of our in-laws who went through the Holocaust said, You should know. Wise guy. If there was no Holocaust, there would not be a single believing Jew today in the world. You have no idea. Towns that used to be a Shiva's, every yeshiva student was ridiculed and none of the cities. The only ones who went to yeshivas came from the villages. From the villages. There was only a contest. Who ridicules and who fights them better. The Bund. Perhaps you've heard 600,000 people in Poland. The newspapers headlines. Strike the Orthodox. The Orthodox are our disaster. Whether it's communism or Buddhism. These were anti these were anti or any other movements with other names. Their only common denominator was to eradicate religion. Erase the name of God. I'm not even talking about communism that persecuted the Jews through the Hebrew section. I'm talking about Western Europe. About Poland. That same question Where was God is written in Midrash on the Book of Lamentations, written by the Prophet Jeremiah after the destruction of the first temple. And there the Midrash says, and it appears in one of the keynotes for Tisha B'Av. That the prophet says, What is God done, you ask? What have you done? You don't ask. That you whitewash. Like someone who comes and screams that a policeman beat him. And the judge says, Tell me, what did you do before that? Why you just showed up.


You tried to rob a bank. You tried to kill someone. As they say, he was using reasonable force. What do you want? He had no choice. He executed his word, says the prophet that he devised. This repeated itself in the first temple and again in the second. And you all know this. Things didn't happen for no reason. The first temple look in the Bible. Idolatry. Adultery. Bloodshed. It brought the destruction. And here you see, this is what astonishes me the most, this book that I just discovered. The Jews. Those evildoers twisted it around so much. That he even writes that the feeling of innocence was taken away from him before his death. His sole comfort of being innocent. They shattered the ego. You'll be a murderer. You'll be a capo. You'll be a zonder. You'll be everything. And we, the Germans, will just be the ones who give the orders from afar. You maximum. And then a theory was born. The theory. Until this day, gentlemen. Until this day. Nobody understands. How serious people, scientists could have believed it. It's called the racial theory. I don't know which of you have read it. In the most famous university in the world. In the world. Göttingen. Where Einstein was, where all the world's greatest physicists worked. That's where the racial theory was developed. There were long shelves, kilometres of shelves with tens of thousands of skulls whose length and width and proportions were measured.

And according to this they determined race subrace and super race. And they believed in this, just to be clear. They wrote formulas, even though the joke in Berlin was. That almost every member of Hitler's government had a Jewish face. According to these formulas and proportions. The joke was one thing. Reality another. How? How? It's not even sheer nonsense. It's pure nothing. Rubbish. But they believed it. And we will see briefly what the theory says. The theory says thus that it's not permitted to kill Jews, but rather necessary and obligatory because in the evolutionary process, the whole Nazi ideology could have been built solely on Darwin's approach. That built the pyramid of the perfection of mankind and the genealogical tree. That the strong eats the weak and thus the survival of the fittest. You've all heard about it. You've learned it at school. The strong animals survive. The stronger people survive. And the race goes through a process of improvement. Like any other species on the face of the earth from the plants. The evolutionary process. So the superior race that for some reason they decided it came from India, the Indo European race, the Germans, the Aryans came from India. So the theory argues they are the elite. The super race. There are simple races. There are sub races, but the Jews are not even a race. They're a mutation. What's a mutation? In simple English.

Defects. In every factory, there's quality testing. They find defects, defective models. So in genetics, some defects come out. The Jews are defective. What does this mean? Listen very well. Every Jew suffers for merely being a Jew. He feels tormented. If you kill him, you are doing him a favor. Like they say, an injured horse is better off with a bullet in his head. Right. Put him out of his misery. The German is left with a clean conscience. That's what Eichmann explained there in the witness box. He is helping the Jew not to suffer any more. What's better than that? Do you realize what theory they've created? Not the Zulu tribe. Not Mongolia. Just to be clear, from the dawn of mankind until our day, including today, there was no nation as civilized as the Germans. Music, physics, chemistry, the universal center of sciences, the universal language. In that period of the early 20th century, the international language of science was German. If they hadn't deported Einstein and his colleagues from Germany in 1933, they would have had a bomb within a year. Already in 1934. They made the mistake of a lifetime. But this is not the time to get into that. I can prove it to you conclusively. This is the most amazing thing. Hitler. Of all the things he wrote in Mein Kampf. Didn't fulfill a single thing. Except for one thing. In Mein Kampf, the Jews are only a small part.

Be clear about this. There are many, many things. He didn't do, any of them, except for one thing. To eliminate the Jews. Except for this one thing. In a consistent manner. It's only one thing. Why is this interesting? Because he destroyed Germany. Understand this. If he hadn't expelled the Jews, he would have ruled the entire world. Which is what he wanted to do. He would have had the atomic bomb. He would have had the money. You'd have had an economy. He would have had industry. There are verifiable and unequivocal studies that proved that the economy, industry and science were demolished by Hitler's removal of the Jewish elite from all types of positions. He shot himself not in the foot, but in the stomach. Why? What would you say? Hatred of the Jews? It is a fact I've already mentioned. What Hitler said about the Communists. The first thing Hitler did was an alliance with the Communists. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. So how? Hitler said, wait little by little. First we'll ally with them. Finish first with France. With Poland. Then we'll have time for them. In other words, he knew how to act in a strategic manner, not by impulse, but from the head. Why didn't he say the same thing about the Jews? Wait, wait. First they'll build me a bomb. First, we'll deal with Germany, with Poland and the end. We'll settle accounts with them.


He damaged himself. In the year 1944, 1945. The German army had collapsed. The generals begged to surrender. Day and night. Aborted attempts were made to GEtrillionID of him to kill him from within. Every one of them failed by the devil's hand. The army cries. We need reinforcements. There's no fuel for the tanks. From the Führer's office. They respond, Use what you have. There's no fuel. Finished. Send us reinforcements from the Führer's office. They respond. There are no trains, period. That's what there is. But for the trains that led to Auschwitz, there was fuel. There were trains. How is this? Who comes first? Auschwitz or the Army? Who comes first? Auschwitz or Germany? Everything I'm telling you is a fact. How can it be? Can anyone argue that this is the work of flesh and blood? Hitler should have thought first about the German interest. Come first. Let's overcome. Let's deal with the allies and then we'll come back and deal with them. Anyone could see how obsessed he was. And on the other hand. Auschwitz. Birkenau, where they killed 3 million Jews was the heart of the industrial zone. The allies bombed their day and night. Day and night. All around. All around. They didn't touch the crematoriums. There are some that claim it was intentional. Because they also didn't exactly like the Jews. Others say that they couldn't distinguish between the smoke stacks of Birkenau and the industrial smoke stacks. Either way. It's not a question mark. We can see these things clearly, believe me. One day. It was a 1979. I heard on the radio.

A famous writer. Back then he was famous, but not so much today. Today he's an Israeli. I heard him say something on the radio about the Bible. I wrote him a letter. I said, Listen, I heard you talking about the Bible. I think you have a misconception, a lack of knowledge. I'm willing to meet with you, to come to your kibbutz, explain things to you. He wrote me this. A man that never read Mapo and Berdichevsky. I've got nothing to talk about with him. Second, if you want to talk with me, read my book. Thus and thus, a certain book. Third, in a generation when a million and a half children are dead. Burned. I've got nothing to talk about. God. I answered him. Listen, you talk about Mapo and Berdichevsky. You don't know me. How do you know? I haven't read them. Just like you. Or even more than you. How do you know? I'm not familiar with all the different authors of the Enlightenment. To thank you for referring me to your book. Now, I understand you. I know you a little bit better. Third, it's a very good question. A million and a half kids. Unheard of. But let me ask you a few more questions. That erased by the best researchers, historians and strategists concerning the First World War and the second. Processes, tactics, politics, everything. They've got no answers and they've written endless studies about them. The test of a theory is. The test of a theory. How many questions can be answered with a single straight answer. You all know this.

It's true for the physical sciences and the social sciences. I will now give you an answer to 11 questions, not just one. Straightforward and consistent. I wrote him a long, long, long essay. Some eight folio pages. His response was this, I must admit. That your truth is complete with itself and within itself. For those who don't know, this is a philosophical term for a self contained truth. For myself, I lack this type of completeness. Pray for me that sometime I'll find it. But I am not willing to meet you. Why? Because I speak the language of facts. The language of the mind, not the language of the gut. He's speaking the language of the gut. Therefore, gentlemen, when we sit on Holocaust Day. It seems so banal that every time some chief of staff, some minister of defense comes along, flies to Auschwitz and says, If the state of Israel had existed, there wouldn't have been a holocaust. Come on. He would have conquered the state of Israel. What's the problem? France. He can conquer. Poland. He also conquered. It would have been his first target if there were 5 million Jews here. Where's the sense in this? I won't get into this subject. There's a lot to be said about it. To this day, it is not clear. Y in El Alamein. Rommel didn't win. That's what they call a coincidence. Why did Montgomery win? This was from God. A total miracle. Because here, here, everybody did as Esther did. For three days. They fasted and prayed, even in the kibbutz.

On the art site became the origin of the whole Jewish settlement. And immediately the next day, Rommel's retreat began. These are facts. And so. Holocaust Day should be dedicated. Not to external things. But for inner introspection. For. What did Hashem do this to us? For what was this great wrath. For what? And I tell you, and not that I tell you to accept these things because I said them or someone else said them. It took me long years. Tens of years. To research and examine. And I tell everyone, not just you. I spoke in a forum of historians, of researchers, of history, teachers. If I am mistaken about anything, correct me. If you have some other theory, show it and I will show you exactly how flimsy your grounds are. How empty your foundations. Not true. Not true. Everything I say is backed up with documents and facts. And when we stand today in great fear. In the face of an Iranian Nazi. An Iranian Nazi who speaks the same language. He says that to wipe out our state, let them go back to Europe. We need to sit and think. Let us search and study our ways, says Rabbi. And turn back to God. In modern language, it's called drawing conclusions. No ostrich. No demagogic speeches. It's all demagogy. But a true introspection. Let us search and study our ways and turn back to God. And then it will be exactly as in the time of Achashverosh. All the Harmons and the Amalekites will be hung up on one large tree. And we will be saved.

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