
Feb 21, 2012 03:03

so here the picture that i think started all of this:

and i'm pretty sure my love of fanfiction corrupted my mind too,

it's actually quite a old dream but for the sake of remembering it (and because i don't have those kind dream often) i'll post it here. And because it's not like i could go to one of my friend in rl, and say: so yeah you know the guys i’m always drooling on when i’m at my computer?? yeah??….. no?? OTL well not him but his friends beside, i dreamed i gave him a blowjob last night O_O…. well i could tell her that but it would be one akward conversation kekeke

so yeah i had a dream about zhoumi!! zhoumi of all people!! i could understand Kyu (sex on leg, you know ^_^) and i’m not saying zhoumi not attractive… he’s one sexy really tall 2by4^_^

so yeah short story: all i remember is the end…. wish i could have remember more.

I’m at the end of the bed, between his spread leg, my hand are at his hips and i can sense him twist and turn under me. His hand are in my hair, and i can feel he’s close by hearing him gasp and moan softly.
He just need a little push over, so i run my nails on his inner tights and i feel him go rigid, one of his hand leaves my hair and try to grab my shoulder. I feel him arch under me, just his feet and shoulders connecting him to the bed. So i gave him one final suck and tease the head of his cock with my tongue and watch him come.
He come down on the bed, his head is tilt back and all i see is his neck and jawline with a mile long of torso taking deep breath and his come decorating all that. I stroked his tights smiling a little and he moved his head slowly and gave me the softest satisfied smile ever!

And i woke up strangely very proud of myself !!!!

I've never tried writing something like that, and espescially not in english, so i hope i was able to make it..... good?? I don't know OTL

And i hope i'm not being conceited by thinking my favorite author on lj would see this one day, but in the eventuality. I remember her asking for people to write her something for her birthday, so here my contribution. Two month late..... but to anyone that know me, it's just prove that i care about that person!! I swear!! I have a guy mind when it come to date and stuff like that. Well i'm not saying i got the date mixed here, just that i didn't grow a pair to do it sooner. Still don't have them but hey! i'll bite the bullet..... is it the right expression???

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