Daria icon used because it was my first icon. :p

Nov 17, 2008 21:45

Livejournal is going down at 8:00pm tomorrow for a server move that will likely last FOREVER. I know, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself either. :p

On the advice of someone else, I decided to archive my entire LJ using ljarchive. Just on the small chance it goes badly.

Archiving it went really damned fast, and it gives you a bunch of pages to scroll through. Starting with entry #1.

Four years ago, huh? And I remembered/learned that about four years and two months ago, I was pissed off about LJ being used as a tool for passive-aggressive shit(I didn't name names, so I have no idea who or what I was pissed off at), I had no friends (yet), that I kept my LJ alive because of stupid fun, and that according to some meme, I was going to get laid thirty-seven times on my wedding night. I ended it with a somewhat open marriage proposal. Thirty-seven times, can anyone keep up? :p Jason and I had met briefly at a party a couple weeks ago, but we didn't really know each other yet.

Other stuff going on in that vicinity-I was procrastinating on chem labs, I did a LOT more tacky quizzes and memes, Belle and Kerstin were the only people who commented, and I was a Ninja Pirate with a ship called The Hangover.

What can I say? I've always been awesome. ^_^

Jason's sleeping off some sinus infection, so I might go drag myself back down memory lane. It's now in easy scrolling form.

random, internets

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