Title: Androgynous
Author: meimarino
fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
Pairing: none (Inoo-centered)
Genre: general
Chapter: one-shot
Rating: PG
Summary: Inoo Kei is really a beauty and even guys are drawn into him for his androgynous looks. One day, a colleague of his father saw a picture of him displayed in his father’s office and offered his father to enrol him in a prestigious school outside of Tokyo in which the colleague is a principal off. Of course the colleague assumed that he was a ‘she’ and his father not knowing the nature of the school, decided to send him there.
Author's notes: LOL this was a project for my literature class and I guess Inoo could fit the description of an androgynous, which is basically a boy who has feminine features (or the other way around). It’s a one-shot since we were instructed to write in less than 700 words. Since I’m from an all-girl school I guess I wrote this with much of my perspective to what actually is. I’m just bringing you the picture of what really happens inside since I’ve watched some anime with all-girl schools theme in it and really it’s a whole lot different. It’s pretty much full of chaos =)) but I mean no harm when I wrote this. =) Hope you enjoy!
I will kill my father! He’s the whole reason I am in this mess. Who would have thought that these fine young ladies as most perceive could be like wild animals inside the four corners of this All-girls school? Boundaries crossed, up to the point that almost everything is being exposed to all. The sound of lights being turned on snapped me back to reality. And my classmates, one by one stood up to get their P.E. uniform from their bags in front. Once again the church like silence from the previous subject broke out into a market. One side of the room was discussing what the answers from the exam was, another side was full of chatter from girls gossiping about the latest news on who is going out with who (We’re talking about lesbian relationship here or as the otaku girls here term as ‘yuuri’ with a squeal) and some of the bitchy girls in the center of the room backstab practically everyone including those who belong to their circle.
I will never get use to the habit of changing in front everyone especially when I am hiding a dark secret from them. But these girls, really, no matter how conservative this school tries to be (with jogging pants as our P.E uniform thank God), are out of bound! Instantly when the lights turned off the girls took off their black mini jumpers and unbuttoned their blouses revealing their tights and those colourful undergarments they wear to cover those wide range of chest sizes.
I have to mentally slap myself for not getting out of the room as fast as I can the way I used to do to prevent that from happening. Why didn’t I get out of the room in the first place the moment the test was done? Oh yeah, that’s because I was too busy cursing my father for sending me here in the first place. What was he thinking of sending me to an All girls school? Oh right, because this old friend of his insisted so not knowing what my gender is when he saw my picture. Thanks a lot dad, it’s as if it’s not hard enough that I am stuck in an All girls school, but really these girls drive me crazy by doing lots of crazy things girls aren’t suppose to be doing. Another thing is that their exams are super hard! T_T I mean base 50 doesn’t sound bad but really it’s more than I think it was.
“Kei, are you ok” I could hear my seatmate’s concerned voice as she saw me staring into nothingness. I tried to look at her in her eyes but something always brings my eyes down to the chest part. Oh no, and every time my eyes see that part I would get an instant rush of heat running through my veins and blood almost dripping out of my nose. Unfortunately blood out of my nose is something I can’t control. “Your nose is bleeding, we have to get you to the clinic!!” she said, starting to panic and attracting my other classmates who, most of them are half dressed. “No, no no no no! I’m fine really, it’s just that it’s a little bit hot, I can manage myself to the clinic and I’ll change on the way back here” I said in a hurry covering my nose with my hands and running to get my bag and out of the classroom as fast as I could.
Of course I didn’t go to the clinic; I’m here in the first floor washroom washing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and sigh with one obvious realization. “Damn I really could pass of like a girl… dad I’ll really kill you.”