Title happens to be one of my favorite quotes from Fight Club (the movie).
Inspired by a bruise on the back of my left hand. A bruise that no one at school has asked about all week, even though it's dark purple and nasty looking.
Also posted to my DA account.
Bleeding out under my skin where no one can see
No one cares who did this but me
It's that old psychology of the diffusion of responsibility
"There's so many people here, surely someone will intervene."
My skin turns several shades of purple, black and blue
Everyone can see, but no one has a clue
Maybe they see a victim and if they only knew
That "something about him just doesn't seem true."
The bruises are no longer visible as much
The skin now only hurts to the touch...
I'll only do it to myself again
Just to feel the pain
As long as no one cares to see
Then no one can ever stop me
Oh, and by the way, I am working on fic and I have a new one to post, but I'm waiting to see how this wisdom teeth thing goes.