Nov 24, 2008 17:25
I am getting closer and closer to the end of the year and the end of my college career...and I am sad. Not scared, not nervous....sad.
Its so weird all my life I have been ready for the real world, ready to have career, make money, etc. etc....
But after discovering that making lots of money is not what I want....everything about me changed. I want to keep the bonds I have...=heheh sasuke! Woah Woah off topic...
In any case, part of me wants to stay in Grand Rapids and get a stay and live in this memory filled place but...will I feel that way when all my friends are graduated and have moved on and I am still here???
decisions, decisions... I swear to isis, I hated high school. Couldn't wait for that to be over. to start over. to start a new life. And I did :-)!!! I am no longer some stupid whining girl who thinks she's the most ugly thing to walk the planet ever, who is the most 'depressed' person in the world...
I love college. It changed me (as it should for everyone). I no longer have the same goals and I have some awesome views about love, sex, babies, etc. that I never thought I would ever have! (For example, I know I want a child...but I also know I never ever want to get married...unless they are totally understandable about allowing me to 'slip' once in a while) I have dismissed god and the whole idea of the afterlife (cause let's fact it kids, they are pretend and people only believe in them cause they are afraid to die...which I was also at one point).
I. love. college. Sure, I made a complete circle on the anime thing ...liking it to not liking it to liking it again...damn you Naruto! but...that's really ok with me. It's part of me. :-)
What was the point of this post? I am not sure actuallly...I just want to let my feelings out (something I really really don't do anymore....and let's face it: life is better!)
But, all in all, if I was given the opportunity to do high school over again I wouldn't do it for a million dollars.
If I was given the oppotunity to do college agin...I do it in a second. I redo the papers, the worrying about GPAs, etc. etc.
So I am sad I will be leaving GVSU and its terrible general education requirements in a short 6 months. I am so sad that I have to grow up.
But i understand this is life.....:smile: maybe in 4,5, or 6 months I will be ready to start the next chapter in my life. ::crosses fingers:::: And maybe in 4, 5, or 6 months Sasuke will be back in the MANGA! seriously where the fuck is he?!?! ::cough, cough:: sorry about that. I am naru-tard. I really really really really really can't help it.